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•"it gets worse beck

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"it gets worse beck.." sarah whispers. becks heart dropped even more as she scroll through her instagram feed. it was just one video, everywhere. footage of a male beating up and nearly killing mason carter. clearly no one knew who it was, that was what everyone was asking in the comments. but beck and sarah knew better. "you got to talk to him beck.." beck put her phone down and looked out her car window. her and sarah had left to school early so they could discuss the video that was posted around 1 am. "i fucking told him not to do anything about it. i fucking told him!" beck screams as she hits her steering wheel causing sarah to flinch at her best friends misery. "i told him i'd handle it.." sarah glared at her, "by doing nothing beck." beck rolled her eyes, "the problem would just disappear then-" "and it shouldn't! and man laid his hands on you and you say oh well i'm a useless bitch!" beck sighed as she leaned her head against the wheel. "if he gets caught it's over sarah, he'll be arrested-" "no he'll be long gone!" beck looked at her best friend, "i know.."
for a first time in ages the eyes and whispers weren't on beck as she walked through the school doors with sarah. but she rather it be on her then the conversation it was actually on, who the fuck nearly killed mason carter. jax was waiting at the girls locker, "hey loves.." he said with a small whisper. sarah placed a kiss on his cheek and beck just ignored him. she was out of it, she needed to talk to grayson. privately. without anyone and especially bella evans. her sister, laura, and ethan were at their lockers a few down of course. grayson obviously wasn't there, but that didn't seem to bother them. but ethan looked on edge, for sure. ethan looked up from his locker and his eyes caught becks staring at him causing him to sigh. 'bleachers' was all he mouth, beck smiled small, 'thank you' was all she replied back with. she turned to sarah and jax, "i'll catch you guys later.." beck grabbed her books not caring if she'd be late to first block she needed to see him.
her heart dropped when she saw grayson at the top of the bleachers, he was looking down at his shaking hands. beck bit her lip and walked a little faster, the noise of her shoes coming in contact with the mental made grayson jump a little. he was on edge, he'd promise himself he'd never do something like this again. his face soften as he saw beck coming towards him. she placed her bag down infront of him and she sat next to him, he didn't say a word he just fell into her arms. he was shaking, beck wrapped her arms around the guy to stop it. "g, what were you thinking...i told you i had it handled..." "i know you said you did but i also knew that meant you do nothing about it.." beck sighed biting her lip. "who filmed it?" he sat up looking at her, "bella did...i couldn't drag ethan into this again.." beck raised an eyebrow, "again? what do you mean again grayson-" "the first girl i ever fell in love with. liliana rose blancher, she was my everything. and one night she got drunk at a party i didn't go to cause we'd gotten in a fight and well some guy took advantage of her in to many ways...she was pregnant.." the words that left graysons mouth made becks heart clench. "she told me about everything, cause she trusted me...i did the wrong thing and went after the guy..and well he came back and k-killed lili.." beck stared at grayson, this was the craziest shit she's ever heard. but she knew it was true cause it was grayson, she knew that sounded bad. but in freshman year she hear rumors about the whole thing. "that's why bella told you i didn't wanna see you anymore...i don't want you wrapped up in a mess like that.." beck grabbed graysons hand, playing with his hand softly. "bella was worried about me..?" grayson sighed looking away from the girl infront of him. "n-no..she was worried about me.." beck snickered, "of course she was..." grayson sighed taking his hand away from beck, "you should go...i can't have anything bad happen to you becks.." he stood up grabbing his stuff leaving beck alone at the bleachers with her feelings.
"ms evans your late?" becks first teacher of the day said as she walked in 10 minutes late. "i had girl issues.." beck said in a duh tone as she placed a late pass on his desk. he mumbled a small thanks awkwardly causing beck to roll her eyes as she went to the back of the class were her seat was. she had this class with bella, and bella's eyes were on her younger sister. the thoughts going through becks head weren't thoughts she should be having, especially about her sister. but bella was nothing horrible to her, sisters shouldn't be like that. but honestly the evans sisters weren't sisters, they we're a danger to each other and that was because of a teenage boy.

when the bell rang, meaning the school day was over, beck grab her back tightly racing to her car she had to see someone. her stomach turned as she sat in her car infront of the towns police station, it had been ages since she'd been here. she grabbed her keys and phone as she got out her car heading inside. she went to the front desk and a lady sat behind it. "how can i help you miss." she said blandly. beck bit her lip, "i need to speak to officer rogers, officer james rogers right away please.." the lady behind the desk raised an eyebrow, "he's quite busy right now kid, come back later." beck groaned, "i'm conner evans daughter, beck evans." the lady sat up straight, "um yes, go ahead i'm sure you know where rogers office is..i'm sorry for your loss...once again miss evans.." beck nodded as her feet lead her to james office. she hated using her iM cOnNeR eVaNs dAuGhtErS card, it made her feel dirty. but she needed it now. she knocked softly against james door and when he opened it his face fell. "look i got to call you back man..something came up.." he let in and beck took a seat infront of his desk. james rogers, the second best cop of this town after conner evans. james was obviously conners best friend, they grew up here together, they were basically brothers. "beck i haven't seen you in two years..since you know your freshman incident.." the reminder made beck cringe. "i don't like to bother you...i know how important this stuff is to you and my dad.." james took a seat at his desk, "god you look so grown up...your dad would be proud." beck forced a smile, no he wouldn't be proud. "i need your help with something..." james raised an eyebrow. "i'm sure you've heard about the mason carter incident-" "god beck please tell me you weren't-" "no he um, he hurt me.." beck pulled up her sleeve to show her bruised arm that looked the smallest bit better. james eyes widen and he inspected becks arm. "how'd did he-" "that's not important right now james..i know who almost killed him.." was she really going to do this, this could ruin everything-no it will ruin everything. "well who was it..?" she took a deep breath in, "bella evans, my sister...she did it.." james eyes widen as he took note. honestly beck wasn't entirely lying, bella recorded the video and she did get a few punches and kicks in from what the video showed. but the video was to dark to make out that the main fighter was a male body. and that was just fine.


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