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•beck got out of the uber carefully, she shivered as her shoes touched the grass

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beck got out of the uber carefully, she shivered as her shoes touched the grass. "thanks so much," she smiled at the driver handing them there money. they nodded smiling at the girl heading off, becks arms softly wrapped around herself. it was starting to get cold in jersey, and here beck was in a tank top freezing. "you know i offered my jacket earlier at the mall, but you rolled your eyes and continued shopping," beck smiled down at her shoes as she heard graysons voice. she turned around to the boy holding a hoodie in his hands as he walked up to the girl. "hi gray," she whispered softly as he stood in front of her. he hummed, sliding the hoodie over her head as she slipped her arms in. "thanks g," he kissed the side of her lips. "get inside stupid, or ill let you freeze out here." grayson snicker and walked to the door. beck followed after him smiling, things were okay hence the events that happened earlier.

"okay so i talked to james, and there's been issues with her before. she came in to complain about mason, but then she dropped it. calling herself crazy.." beck bit her lip, running her hand through her hair. "she probably found out she was pregnant.." she whispered softly to her mom on the phone. "he's probably trapping her in with the baby, god this is horrible...oh james is calling me now. mija i'll call you later, when your home okay. bye love you." beck hummed, "bye mom-" "dude you should have seen laura's face! she almost shit herself!" beck turned around as she placed her phone down from her ear. she was sitting at the bleachers, as she usually did for lunch. graysons smile got wider as he saw the girl, "hey becks." she smiled up at him as he placed a soft kiss on her lips. "hi b," laura said with a smile taking a seat as she smiled down at her food causing ethan to roll his eyes as he took a seat next to his girl. sarah sent a wink and beck making the girl laugh, jax rolled his eyes as him and beck went in for their handshake. the usual thing.
"ow, fuck.." grayson with an eyebrow raised watched beck curse as she had just walked into the side of his car. the girl had been staring at her phone all day and she was at school. she was waiting for her moms text or call about mason and jenna. "becks, baby what the fuck is up with you today?" the girl put her phone down as she bit the inside of her cheek looking at the older guy. "nothing..grayson. it's fine, i'm fine." she tried to open the car but grayson still had it locked. "what aren't you telling me beck?" the girls heart dropped, he used her real name. mans meant business. beck sighed, "grayson open the car. i want to go home." grayson rolled his eyes as he unlocked the car, opening his door aggressively. beck then rolled her eyes at his childish actions, "grayson im sorry to break it to you but not everything that i do in my life has to concern you." he didn't look at the girl or acknowledge her words he just turned on the car and left the school parking lot.
the girl rubbed her eyes annoyed, grayson hadn't let her out of the car. they were sitting in his driveway, he wanted answers. he knew the girl too well. beck knew she could just unlock her car door and leave, but grayson already yelled at her for thinking of that. "beck if you just told me what the fuck was up, we'd be done here-" "oh my god! i got involved with the mason situation myself since you weren't going to help me!" grayson just looked at the girl. she bit her lip analyzing his face, but she couldn't read him. beck jumped slightly as the car unlocked, "so now you don't wanna get out." beck sighed softly opening her car door and grabbing her bag, "grayson...come on. nothings going to happen to me, i'm fine." he looked away from the girl passing her his house keys. "are you not coming-" "no i need some air beck." she went to say something else but grayson beat her too it. "beck close the damn door and go inside.." the girl huffed like a child slamming his door and marching her ass to the dolans front door as she heard graysons car drive off.
beck frowned harder when she wrapped herself in graysons sheets more. 10:30. grayson still hadn't come home, and she was sleeping in his bed by herself. well trying to sleep, her brain wouldn't shut off. ethan wasn't here and neither was sean, he was working. leaving beck alone. the girl huffed, she was mad. she sat up in graysons bed, her eyes fell onto the picture of the two on his wall. it made her frown. the girl threw off his sheet and she shivered as her bare feet touched his cold floor. the girl was in a small tank top and small shorts, so she threw on one of the dolans hoodies. the girl wrapped her arms around herself softly she doesn't know where she was going really..beck made her way downstairs and she froze in her spot as the front doors knob started to shake. "oh god..i'm going to get killed..." that's when the front door flew open and becks face fell. "a little help becks?" grayson spit out. the girl ran over to him taking the crying baby out of her arms. grayson had also been carrying jenna. beck looked down at the baby, jessica. "shh shh, hey it's okay...i got you..." beck said softly turning around slowly bouncing the little girl in her arms as she calmed down. grayson looked at beck in love, she knew what she was doing. and he wanted to spend his life with her. but he was snapped out of his thoughts as jenna groaned. grayson held onto jenna a little tighter and made his way to his bathroom. he heard becks soft footsteps behind him. "gray what happened.." he opened up his bathroom, placing jenna on his bathroom sink as she leaned back onto the mirror. she clutched her stomach tight as grayson went under the sink for the first aid kit. "not now..get her out of here.." grayson said softly to beck referring to the baby. beck nodded and made her way to graysons room. she sat on his bed leaning back on the head board. beck laid jessica on her legs as she pulled them up, "hi baby.." the little one grabbed onto becks finger as she tickled her arm softly. beck looked at the little ones face and she frowned. beck was scared. scared to bring in kids to the ugly world. bella and beck had a younger sister, her name was bailey. she had passed away..beck was only 14 when it happened. making bella 15, bailey was three years younger then beck. making her 11 when she had passed. the little girl had been kidnapped at the store as she wonder off. beck had never seen her mom so stressed out. it have been two months since they saw her, then that night. beck remembers it like it was yesterday.

all three girls heads snapped to the door as it was being banged on. the girls mother stood up, and beck felt her hand being taken by bella. they were scared. the girls mom opened the door, there were cops. "maybe they found her-" beck said in a whisper to bella. but that's not what happened. beck was cut off from her mothers screams and sobs, she fell to the floor. beck gasped softly and bella pulled her into her chest to try and calm her.
bailey was gone.

"becks..?" the girls head snapped to grayson at the door. she wiped her face quickly, she had started to cry. becks eyes went back to jessica, who was now sleeping. "i-i'll take her too jenna.." beck carefully carried jessica as she hurried past grayson. "she's in ethans room.." beck nodded and headed across the hall. beck softly opened the door and saw jenna laying in ethans bed. "hi.." beck whispered. jenna looked at her and smile with what she could. "hey.." beck sat on the edge of ethans bed. "figured you want this.." beck said with a wink and smile. "wow.." beck looked at jenna then at jessica. "i'm sorry..did i do something-" "oh god! no no no, your good. your great actually. i can never get her to sleep like that.." beck smiled at jenna and passed her the baby. "if you need anything just call me okay.." jenna nodded as beck stood up. but jenna grabbed her arm, "thank you. thank you for saving us." beck heart felt warm, "of course.." she mumbled and made her way back to graysons room. he was sitting on her bed, head in his hands. beck stepped into the room, closing the door leaning against it. she analyzed grayson, he had his i'm the shit guard up. "grayson..cut the shit. what the fuck did you do." beck whispered so jenna wouldnt hear. "don't think i didn't notice your bloody hands..and god grayson look at your face!" grayson looked at beck standing up. "this is your fault," grayson stabbed a finger at beck. her eyes widen, "my fault?!" beck already felt sad and emotional, this wasn't helping. "yes your fault! we would be fine! i would be fine! if i didn't feel bad for saying no to you!" beck felt tears in her eyes. what the fuck was happening to her. "this isn't my fault! grayson i sat alone in the bed for hours just waiting. waiting for you to come home. cause you know what i've realized! i realized i couldn't go to sleep cause you weren't there! for the past 4 months i've slept in that bed with you and felt safe. and tonight you weren't there. i couldn't sleep cause i was scared! scared that if i fell asleep i wouldn't wake up! grayson i'm sorry i brought all this on you! i didn't mean too! but this is my life and i cant change what happens! and i'm sorry that i have fucked up your last year of high school so much! i know all you want to do is go to parties with your friends and fuck bitches like a whore on tequila! i'm sorry i ruined that." beck spit out. her tears had fallen, they were actually streaming down her face aggressively. grayson face had fallen and he had tears in his eyes. "how am i suppose to know anything like that or about you beck? if you don't tell me anything.." the boy whispered as he slowly made his way to her. she was sobbing now and she couldn't catch her breathe. she fell to the floor, she felt like shit. weak. tired. and annoyed. she didn't want to do this life anymore. "i'm sorry..i'm sorry-" "shh shh..stop saying sorry becks.." grayson sat on the floor taking the girl into his arms. she leaned softly into his chest, taking in his sent and listening to his heart beat. it calmed her down. "g-grayson.." "hm?" "i love you."
grayson was analyzing beck as she cleaned his bloody hands then she moved onto his face. he hadn't said i love you back. he couldn't.  "stop looking at me like that grayson." he frowned. "becks-" she sighed, placing a small bandage on his eyebrow. "grayson i said it was fine, you can't make people love you. i just had to tell you. had to tell you that people do love you and think your a good guy.." and with that beck left grayson alone in the bathroom to think.


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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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