chapter fourteen. house of letters

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            "Watch the timepiece."

            The whispering is back. It's back and it's creepier than ever, because at least I was alone the last time I heard the ghost lady whispering to me like that. Right now I'm in Andrews' classroom sat beside a suspiciously-still-blind, definitely-faking-it Amber, and the whispering has returned. I look around the classroom for the woman in the smoke, finding that she's not here, but when I look back to the front, she's right there in front of me.

            I react with a gasp, pushing my chair back to get away from her. The chair screeches on the floor and Amber, still wearing sunnies, reaches out to grab my arm. Mrs. Andrews asks, "Ashley, are you all right?"

            "The timepiece, Bringer of Death," says the woman in the smoke before vanishing into thin air.

            "Ashley?" Alfie tries from behind me, tapping me with something. I turn around, finding he's waving his pen at me. "What are you doing?"

            I glance around the classroom, finding that everyone's staring at me—Amber included, her head is turned in my direction. Swallowing, I move my chair back, apologizing, "Sorry, I—sorry, Mrs. Andrews."

            "You don't usually startle, Ashley," says Andrews, looking at me strangely. "Is everything okay?"

            "I...I know. Everything's fine, I'm sorry," I say again, averting my eyes. Amber's hand reaches out for my arm, hovering around before she finds me. Fortunately the bell rings, which means that crisis is over. I have to find Nina, see if she knows what the timepiece the spirit was talking about might refer to. If she told me, she definitely told Nina. "Thank God," I mutter, gathering my things before turning to help Amber.

            "Ah," Andrews says, "uh, homework in by next Friday."

            You might put that in a little late, Anubis remarks, and for once, I agree. The spirit that keeps showing up is going to put a bit of a damper on any schoolwork. I'm lucky if my grades will be good enough to pass this year if this keeps happening.

            Behind us, Jerome is saying to Alfie, "Fancy a trip into town, dude?"

            As Alfie agrees, Amber reaches her arm out to him. "Alfie, no! You can't leave me all alone, not when I'm like this." Her arms wave around for the binder that's currently in my hands. I'm relatively certain she's got an entire brick in here.

            "Ashley's here," Alfie points out as Jerome waves his hand in front of Amber's face. I reach over and smack his hand down, throwing him a glare.

            "Ashley's busy," Amber replies, which is news to me.


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