chapter eighty-five. house of traps

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            "I've cracked it!" Joy exclaims triumphantly as Patricia and Fabian walk into class together. I grin at her. I never thought I'd be thankful for Joy Mercer. "The only bit I'm not quite sure is the last guard. I didn't get any footage of him. But I've worked out the safest possible moves I can...and yeah, I'm confident."

            Fabian taps on her notebook after checking out the moves she plotted out, remarking, "I have a good feeling about this."

            "I have a sick feeling about this," Amber counters from beside me, still not pleased with Joy helping us. No one can say I didn't try getting her to change her opinion; I tried last night while we were doing chores, because Jerome didn't show up or even shoot me a text at all. Basically, I was stood up.

            "Hey, Amber, think positive," Fabian tells her. "In a few hours, we'll have Nina and Alfie back."

            "I never realized how much I'd miss Alfie," Patricia comments.

            Unfortunately for her, her boyfriend Eddie chooses to walk in at that exact moment. "Oh, that's tragic," he says plainly. "I have a little tear. Too bad you couldn't miss your boyfriend like that."

            "Ouch," Joy whispers to us.

            "Leave them, leave them," Fabian says pushing her away. They join Amber and me at our table, sitting down as we all start to not-so-subtly watch Peddie. This ought to be interesting at least.

            You need to get your priorities in order. Like, rescuing fallen friends and retrieving the Mask.

            Patricia says, laughing at the thought, "Are you serious? You're really jealous of me and Alfie?"

            Eddie scoffs and denies, "No." But then he sighs, continuing, "Well, he was into Piper, so maybe you're just the next best twin." Loud gasps come from us as soon as Eddie finishes his sentence. Ooh, that was really not good.

            "Wow, you really know how to make a girl feel special."

            "Sorry, but you said 'no secrets.' You said, 'let's share, 'cause that's what couples do.' I didn't know those rules only applied to me."

            Fortunately for the state of their relationship, Sweetie walks in and effectively puts an end to that as he greets the class, "Carpe diem et tempus fugit."

            "Gesundheit," I reply.

            As expected, he ignores me. "There will be an exam next week on the fourteen stages of development for a new medicine. Please do your homework."

            Apparently there was some blogging competition that The Jackal, AKA the school site, was entered into, and we came in third, according to what Sweet announced at end of class. Third place is pretty good. But we also got a first place win in the form of Mara Jaffray, who won the blogger of the year competition. It's well-deserved of her, she's a great writer.

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