chapter fifty-seven. house of reflections

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"So the seven little stars are seven random objects," Alfie tells Patricia and Amber at breakfast the next morning. We're able to talk freely for now because it's only Sibuna in here, but it probably won't be long before the rest of the house comes in.

"Yeah," Fabian confirms.

"But the riddle says they borrow light," Nina informs, "so we think they must be reflectors in some way."

Amber nods serenely. "Shiny stuff, mirrors. You've come to the right girl."

"I'm guessing," Patricia remarks, "they're not just regular mirrors."

I shake my head, commenting, "We tried regular mirrors, well, mirror shards, and they didn't work. But the riddle said something about a secret falcon."

Fabian nods and adds, "We think they each have some sort of bird symbol on them. 'The falcon takes flight?'"

"So we hunt the shiny stuff," Amber states. Can't be that hard to find shiny reflectors with a falcon on them, right? "What does the dollhouse say in its usual unclear dollhouse way?"

"Nothing yet," he answers as he looks to Nina, who's begun to look a bit disoriented. "What we really need is a clue as to where the reflectors might be. Are you okay?"

Nina snaps out of her daze. "I don't know. I keep thinking I've seen this bird symbol before, but it's like I can almost picture it, and then it's gone. Wait, what day is today?"

"Tuesday," says Patricia. "Why?"

"I meant to go visit Gran with Trudy," she tells us. "I almost forgot."

"You've had a lot on your mind," Fabian reminds her, trying to help rid the guilt that she pretty clearly feels. "Anyway, if she knew the truth, she'd tell you to hurry up, find the Mask, and get yourself uncursed, or else."

"I guess..."

"Look, guys," he lowers his voice as he glances to the kitchen, where Mara and Joy have just walked in, "it's like the riddle says. Whoever completes the task gets their hands on the Mask, and Victor still has that amulet, which we really need to get back. This could be our last chance, our final challenge."

It's barely halfway through the school day when Patricia suddenly grabs my arm as I'm walking, pulling me to the side of the hallway. I look at her confused and she explains her dragging me over, "I'm going to tell you something, you're not going to freak out over it. I need your help."

Oh, Trixie needs my help. This is unusual. But I nod, very interested in knowing what she needs help with, and say, "Okay, won't freak out. What is it?"

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