chapter sixty-four. house of whispers

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            Alfie was given his punishment for smashing the two (fake) amulets when he came home: dusting the house with a literal feather. He just came up from completing that task to join me, Patricia (who just got home from an online newspaper meeting), and Amber in our Sibuna room while Fabian and Nina went up to the attic to get the Cup, our third reflector if Nina's right, while Vera's gone out.

            Fabian and Nina suddenly rush into the room, and neither of them look very calm, but Nina does look like she's got the Cup of Ankh with her. "We have bad news," Fabian says.

            "Don't we always?" I reply dryly.

            "Vera's onto us," Nina informs.

            I'd say that can be considered bad news. Well, back to the zodiac!

            Alfie straightens, looking between them. "What do you mean?"

            "We heard her talking to someone," Fabian answers. Okay, unknown person was talking to Vera on the phone presumably, and she's onto us. This isn't good. "On the phone. We don't know who it was. But she's...definitely the enemy."

            "So she's evil?" Amber questions, and Nina nods. "Whoa."

            There was always something off about Vera, especially what happened with the hearing, but it's far worse than I thought. We're in trouble. I shake my head. "I knew Mara was onto something."

            Patricia speaks up, "What do we do now?"

            Nina shrugs. "I don't know. But here's exactly what happened..."

            Fabian and Nina quickly explain exactly what they overheard Vera say (which apparently Jerome overheard as well, because he came up to the attic looking for something and hid underneath the bed, which doesn't make any sense but at least there's no way he's working with Vera like he had Rufus). It definitely sounds like she's onto us, and she apparently knew about Victor's amulet. She said 'the kids' (meaning us) will do the rest, which means they're expecting us to finish it. There's still no confirmation on whether she's working with Victor, but I think it's likely. Except, who was she talking to? And what is in it for her?

            After their explanation ends, Sibuna sits in silence for a few minutes, taking it all in. So it's us versus Victor and Vera, whether or not they're working together. And Victor's got the complete zodiac, he might figure it out before us. At least we've already got two reflectors.

            "So, bad news, guys," Nina says again, lifting the Cup. More bad news. "The Cup is not a reflector."

            Patricia groans. "I thought the bad news was Vera."

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