chapter seventy-two. house of hijack

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            "Let us out!"

            This is the second time Amber and I have been locked in a kidnapper's lair by Rufus, and I have to say, I'm getting really annoyed! Jerome and Fabian are hitting the door, all of us yelling at Rufus to let us out. But it certainly didn't work last time until Fabian came looking for us, so I really doubt it'll work this time.

            "You're not gonna get away with this!" Fabian yells. "We know it's you."

            "Can we get out through the windows?" I ask as I turn toward one—only to find that they're all barred. "Never mind, they're barred. We're trapped."

            "Once again," Amber says calmly, "Agent Millington steps up to the plate. What would you do without me?" She reaches up and pulls the last remaining bobby pin out of her hair. "This is the last one. You can use it to pick the locks. Just keep me away from all mirrors and cameras upon exit."

            I take a deep, shaky breath, staring at her with wide eyes and trying not to snap at her. Fabian says, "Yeah, thanks, Amber, but the locks are on the other side of the door."

            "This is all my fault," Trudy blames herself for our predicament.

            "Technically true," Jerome agrees. I scoff, hitting him on the arm.

            "Trudy, we would never leave you," Amber assures her.

            "We're all in this together," Fabian adds. "Don't worry."

            "Actually," Jerome pipes up again, and I roll my eyes preemptively, "if it comes to it, I am happy for all of us to get out separately. I don't even mind going first. Just saying."

            "Man up, Clarke," Amber retorts.

            Jerome heads over to the other side of the barn.

            I've been trying to figure out where I've heard Rufus' name before ever since you learned he was alive, Anubis states, first time since we got to the barn. I've figured it out. Lily mentioned to me. She said he was a friend, emphasis on was, and...she said he was family. Makes sense, I guess, they were adoptive siblings along with Sarah. No, blood-related. They were cousins. Her father's sister was Rufus' mother.

            "Oh, my God."

            You have got to be kidding! Add me into the list of people who have secret relatives apparently—Rufus Zeno is Lily Henry's cousin! Which I guess makes him some sort of great-cousin or something, I don't know how things work! How did we not realize this last year? Well, it's not like Rufus would've told us all of that when he had us in the classroom...but what was all that stuff with the person who balances me? I still don't understand that.

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