chapter thirty-six. house of keepers

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            "Projects due in tomorrow," Andrews informs us as the bells ring and everyone gathers up their things to leave the classroom. "Please, no excuses. And Alfie, Jerome, we all know you don't have a dog so that particular excuse won't fly."

            Unfortunately, the pair does still have a goose as far as I'm aware. Not that I've actually spoken to them about the goose incident, only spoken to Alfie about Sibuna stuff, but I assume they still have it because I haven't heard anything about Jerome getting the gem back.

            "So what's the plan tonight?" I ask Nina. Obviously we're not going back down to the tunnels to get through the next task considering how tangled Amber got in the threads we strung about our room last night.

            "We need to get better at dodging those spider threads," Nina replies. "More practice later?"

            "Oh, you better count me out," Patricia informs. "Detention date with el Victoro."

            Planting a smirk upon my face, I turn to her and remark knowingly, "But technically, isn't it a detention date with Eddie?"

            Amber catches on to what I'm doing and adds, "Just the two of you, alone, under the sun?"

            Fabian and Nina both look confused at our teasing; Amber and I haven't told them about how we think Patricia and Eddie have a thing for each other. I mean, it's so obvious, I don't know how they don't see it! Patricia looks annoyed about it and she hits me on the arm, retorting, "It's not a date, and I hate him."

            "Didn't Ashley used to hate Jerome?" Amber inquires innocently.

            I turn to her, shaking my head. "Why are you bringing me into this?"

            "And well, look at them now," she continues, completely ignoring me. "They're not exactly dating yet, but they're definitely getting there. Didn't you see them holding hands all day yesterday? I didn't, but I heard it happened."

            "Okay, first of all, it wasn't all day," I correct. "Second of all, I was trying to get him across the hall. Third, that's the thing that happened yesterday you decide to focus on?"

            "Yeah, what exactly did happen yesterday?" Fabian questions, eyebrows furrowed. "Why was there a renegade goose in the hall?"

            "Don't ask, you don't want to know."

            Amber tilts her head. "But you did just admit to holding Jerome's hand, didn't you?"

            With a heavy sigh, I respond, "When did this turn from the Peddie show to the Jashley show? And I can't believe you just made me use the name!"

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