for harper

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also when u finish, read the little note at the end bc ugh i hate cliché shit but whatever.


I look out the window of the car as the rain spits down outside and hum along to Somebody to Love Queen. The trees are starting to bud as the weather gets warmer. It's quite annoying though because one day it's negative eight and then the next it's like fourteen degrees. Harper is driving us to visit our aunt Lydia, she lives about an hour away.

"How you been doing?" Harper asks as she taps along to the beat of the song on the steering wheel.

I let out a small breath of air. "Fine actually. The warm weather is nice."

"Yeah, little less seasonal depression."


We listen to Queen for the whole ride until we pull into the driveway of our aunts house. We get out and walk up to her home and knock.

"Harper, Reid, come in." She welcomes us in with a toothy grin.

Her two dogs also come and greet us and lick our faces all over. I missed her house.

"Tea anyone?"

"I'll have some please," Harper smiles.

"Me too, please."

We follow aunt Lydia into the kitchen where the sets the pot on the stove to boil and we all go sit in the dining room.

"How's school going dear?" She says turning to my sister.

"Tiring. Finals are almost here."

"Yeah that's got to be causing some stress."

I pet the one dog, Joji as they talk. Finally she asks me about school and I give the same old boring reply as usual, "boring. Nothing new."

"Any idea what you want to be yet?"

"Yeah, maybe a bio chemist or maybe something to do with biology research like gut bacteria and stuff."

"Wow. Actually that sounds exciting."

"It is but chemistry sucks."

"If I managed then you can too," Harper laughs. She always hated chemistry.

"Yeah but paleon-anthropolgy or some kind of ethno or anthro forensics seem so much easier and equally as interesting," I say sighing. To be honest I'm panicking inside because I've always known what I wanted to be and couldn't wait but now I barely have motivation to brush my teeth, how am I going to survive bio-chemistry in university?

God, I don't know.

"I don't know what any of what you just said is so I'm sure it's smart and pays well," aunt Lydia says. 

"You'd think," I mumble but nobody notices because Harper and aunt Lydia already moved on to talking about Harpers school. To be honest, money depends on connections and whether you can find a job, I don't even know how I'm going to survive, I keep to myself. I definately don't have connections. 

I imagine Ansel has a million. Rich white boy whose good at sports, and has parents in business and real estate. This kid already is thriving off scholarships, meanwhile, I can only dream to afford to go to schools he's been offered.

It is what it is. 

Soon the tea pot starts to literally scream and aunt Lydia bounces up to stop it. "Hows about we play some cards, or a board game?" She says from the kitchen.

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