𝙿.𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 - "𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑡"

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A/N Ik pansy is described as pug-faced in the books but movie pansy in deathly hallows is hot as fuck so don't judge. Okay.

B/c = ball clothes (idc)
P1 = parent one
P2 = parent two

The family of L/N were long time friends with the Malfoy's, Zabini's and Parkinson's, meaning you were invited to the Zabini's annual Christmas gala (A/N: I cringed writing that word), but you had not been to one since you were young, as you had been sent to Ilvermorny by your parents.

Y/n's POV:

My family and I apparated in front of the Zabini Mansion gates, it hadn't changed since I was last here. We walked through the front garden and up the old marble steps to be greeted by Mrs Zabini and Blaise.

"Welcome! Glad you could come, Blaise? Take y/n to her bedroom." I looked towards my parents who smiled back at me, i nodded gratefully to Mrs Zabini and followed Blaise up the tall polished steps. On our short walk there I questioned Blaise on Hogwarts, he told me how Pansy was fawning over Draco all the time and how Draco has made the Slytherin quidditch team as a seeker.

We arrived at my bedroom and saw that my things had already been brought up by the house elves. I turned to where Blaise was standing, looking out the window. I really missed Blaise, Draco and of course Pansy. He saw me a smiled, then excused himself and left me to do my business.

I started unpacking, setting my books and robes for Hogwarts to one side and getting my outfit and shoes for the ball tomorrow evening. I started thinking about what it would be like to see Pansy again, only Blaise knew about my little liking towards Pansy since it had been going on for a few years now, even if I haven't seen her since year 2 when I left Hogwarts, the descriptions and photos Blaise sent me were enough. (A/n: ooookay...creepy)

Night of the Ball:

I was looking at my (b/c) in the mirror, I didn't understand why my parents bought me this outfit. It wasn't something I would choose to wear, it wasn't fully covered or comfortable, but it was good enough for a few hours.

I got downstairs and looked for my parents, my (p1) was talking to Mr & Mrs Malfoy and Mr Nott, while my (p2) was talking to Miss Zabini and Mr Flint. I grabbed a drink from the house elf and headed to the corner of the ballroom where I saw Blaise along with some other people I recognise. Blaise spotted me and reintroduced me to everyone, Draco was definitely taller and didn't gel his hair anymore, Crabbe and Goyle were exactly the same just taller. Basically everyone was taller than me.

"Y/n!!!!" I heard someone yell behind me, turning around I saw Pansy leaping towards me. I froze, we hadn't seen each other for years and she still recognised me? "Hi Pans!!" I yelled back. Once she was within talking range, we asked each other about Hogwarts and Ilvermorny and how each of us had changed...blah blah yeah yeah you know the rest.

"Let's go dance!" Daphne Greengrass exclaimed, as she grabbed Theodore Nott's hand, pulling everyone towards the dance floor. I took Draco's hand while Pansy took Blaise's. We danced for a while, talking and laughing, I kept catching glances with Pansy, while looking back finding Draco making googly eyes at Astoria, Daphne's little sister (*wink wink*). "Go talk to her Draco! Salazar sake! You idiot!" I told him.

We all retreated to Blaise's room, and decided to play truth or dare. Luckily Theodore had brought some vertiaserum (idk if I spelt that right) for us to play with.

"Okay, Blaise, since you the host, Truth of dare?" Theo asked, pouring the truth serum into shot glasses. "Truth." Said Blaise, taming one of the glasses and tipping the contents into his mouth. "Is is true that you and Weasley had a one-night thing earlier this year?" Theo pressed. "...yes." Blaise answered blushing furiously. Everyone giggled at Blaise's reaction since he was never one to show lots of emotion. "Okay fine. Draco, truth or dare?" Blaise spoke, struggling to cover his blush from the last question. "Dare." Draco responded. "I dare you to go and confess to Astoria your feelings" Blaise dared, grinning wildly. Everyone burst out laughing as Draco huffed and left the room.

"Alright. Since Draco's going to be a while, y/n, truth or dare?" Daphne smiled. "I'm not a pussy, Dare!" You grinned back. "I dare you and Pansy to go into that cupboard (closet whatever you want to call it) and confess to each other." Daphne challenged grinning widely herself. Both you and Pansy blushed brighter than Weasley's hair as you stood up and shuffled towards the cupboard.

"Confess what?" Pansy enquired once in the small, cramped cupboard. I sighed, realising that I was NOT getting out of this one "I-um...am gay and might like you?" I told her, trying to squeeze myself deeper into the cupboard (hopefully into Narnia) so I wouldn't have to face her again. But instead of shrinking, I slip falling down taking Pansy with me, her toppling on top of me. This is not how I imagined it to go. Pansy and my face only inches away from each other, neither of us saying anything. We could hear a faint rattle of a door and Draco's voice asking what he missed out on. I turned back to Pansy's face even closer if possible, I tried not to look down, for um *cough* reasons. Instead looking at her eyes. I could tell she wasn't fully comfortable at the moment so I tried to move, giving her more space but she pulled me back and kissed me. I quickly got over my shock and kissed back. We slowly parted from each other.

"I-um am gay and might like you" Pansy smirked mocking me. I smiled back and pulled her in again.


That was my first gay one shot so I'm not sure if I'm proud or not soooooo yeah.



We hear the cupboard door open and see Draco smirking at our position, then Blaise looks over his shoulder. "You two better have not done anything in my cupboard!" Blaise scolded. Pansy reaches up my chest as I reach down. Blaise frowns and slams the cupboard shut. "Just don't get it on my stuff!" He yells Draco, Daphne and Theo giggling out of the room.

"AaaaaaAnd it's quiet" I say, Pansy and I start laughing hard acting out Blaise's reaction over and over again. "Soooo about what Blaise said" I ask, earning a punch in the shoulder from Pansy. "Ooouch"


That last part was so cringy I'm sorry but please tell me what you like about what you like and don't like cause then Ik what you guys like!

Words: 1174
Thank uuuuuuu

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