𝚃.𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚝𝟷 - "𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑐𝑢𝑒"

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Tom's in the marauders' era so it's easier for me thanks bye

F/l = favourite lolly (chocolate, jelly lollies etc.)

3rd person POV:

Y/n was late to DADA class, she ran up the staircase from the Slytherin dungeons and past the giggling first years until she was stopped by peeves. "Move peeves! I'm gonna be late!" She yelled at the poltergeist. Peeves just laughed, "but peeves-y wants to have fun!" He smirked mischievously It was known to everyone in Hogwarts that the only people who could deal with peeves were the bloody baron, the Slytherin ghost and y/n. Y/n was one of the biggest pranksters in Hogwarts history but none of her stunts could be connected to her, so she never got in trouble. One of her most infamous pranks was on her childhood friend Lucius. She dyed his hair bright orange so he looked like a Weasley. Of course, she's done more...but she gained more attention from that one.

"Please Peeves. I promise we'll do another prank together later but I'm late so MOVE!"
Y/n argued. "Y/n leaves Peeves no choice" sighs the Poltergeist, reaching behind himself and pulling out a box of rainbow slime bombs. "No! Peeves don't!" Y/n screamed. She pulled her hands over her head, watching peeves get one out and aim at her. He let it go and flung it straight for y/n's forehead.

"Protego!" Yelled a voice. Y/n looked to see her fellow Slytherin and best friend Tom. "Come on y/n we'll be late!" Scolded Tom, grabbing her hand and dragging her away from Peeves flying bombs.

The two Slytherins ran down the hall towards the DADA classroom, getting strange looks from young students, seeing as it was unusual to see 2 prefects running in the halls. "What the hell were you doing y/n!" Tom asked. "I was TRYING to get to class but peeves wouldn't move!" Y/n argued back. Riddle grumbled and opened the door for them. They snuck to their seats in the back while Dumbledore was talking. "So can anyone tell me what the 3 unforgivable curses are and their uses?" Dumbledore asked calmly. (A/n: I'm doing this one-shot where he's a DADA teacher, not transfiguration) no one raised their hands. "No one? Well, I think Miss L/n and Mr Riddle May be able to help us since they were obviously to busy to be on time for class." Both y/n and Tom stopped dead. Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at the pair. "Of course Professor," Tom answered smoothly, nudging y/n to answer.

Y/n's POV:

Tom nudged me to answer, giving me you answer look. "the cruciatus curse is one, it inflicts immense pain onto the victim. If tortured enough, the victim can lose their sanity.". 2 Gryffindors in the middle looked at each other, think their names were Frank and Alice from my herbology class. "Well done. Turns out you DID do your homework. Very well, 15 points to Slytherin!" Professor awarded, giving me a smile and Tom a glance. I saw Tom scowl at him in return.

All through class Tom was acting differently. He kept on stabbing his paper with his quill, he broke about 6 throughout the whole lesson. I looked at him like: what are you doing? He just shrugged and went on stabbing the paper again.

Tom POV:

I've been annoyed at myself. I'm trying to figure out why I can't find the name Riddle anywhere. I thought maybe my father wasn't from Hogwarts, perhaps he went to Ilvermorny or Durmstrang or any other place! He couldn't have been a muggle. My mother would have had more dignity than to fall for a muggle. Wouldn't she? But as all of this has been happening, I've been ignoring y/n, she's my best friend and the only person who tries to understand me, and now I fear I might be losing her.

Y/n looks at me with a confused expression, I ignore her and shrug my shoulders. There I go again. Damn it Tom stop doing this! I look back at her, she's facing dumbledore with a neutral face. I sigh. I explain to her after dinner. I think to myself.

•~•~•~Time skip by Michael the basilisk•~•~•~

When the class finished, y/n was fast to get out of her seat. now it's my turn to get ignored I thought. I sprinted out of class and followed her to the library. I quickly excused myself passed a scolding miss Pince and towards y/n. she was sitting alone, quietly reading Fantastic beasts and where to find them. I rolled my eyes at her interest in magical creatures and slowly walked towards her. I almost felt guilty interrupting her reading, she looked very happy and relaxed without anyone there. oh no. I'm already losing her to books! no...don't be stupid tom, books can't replace you. I could see her occasionally looking through her peripheral vision at me approaching. "hi y/n." I said, trying to make my voice steady, but failing. "hello." she shorted me. her gaze not looking away from her page. "listen, please? I really need to tell you something." I spoke. "fine. what?" still not sparing me a glance. "in private. it's important." I whispered. y/n dramatically sighed, reluctantly stacking her books into her bag and walks straight past me, out of the library. Wow I think. she does not care. she looks back at me nodding towards the exit and I follow her out. I assume we missed dinner.

We walked in silence towards the room of requirement. Y/n found out about the room on her prefect patrols with that Gryffindor Lupin, I think something going on with him but y/n seems to like him so I don't interfere. We arrived at the wall, I walked in front of it three times think about a nice comfy room with two large armchairs, a fireplace, stacks of books and a huge bowl of f/l, y/n's favourite. The door appears and y/n's the first to go through. She sits down in the dark purple armchair, facing the fireplace. I could see every outline of her face blazing orange from the fire. She's really pretty, how have I never noticed that? No. You can't think like that. I told myself. I picked up the bowl of sweets and handed them to her, she must have subconsciously taken one since there was no effort to look at me. I sighed and walked over to the books.

3rd person POV:

While Tom was searching the books, y/n had her head elsewhere. He's been ignoring me, avoiding talking and shows up at the strangest times. What is going on? Y/n thought. Chewing/sucking on her sweet contently, ringing her fingers.

The silence was broken when Tom asked the girl why she was sad. "I don't know. Maybe my best friend is ignoring me, avoiding talking to me, hiding things from me and popping up at the most random times. But other than that I don't know." Y/n answered impassively, still glaring at the darkening fire. there was a long pause until Tom spoke again: "I understand you might be upset-" y/n scoffed. Riddle glared at her until he saw her eyes glaze over and softened his stare. "I know I've not been take much notice to some things." "Like your best friend?" Y/n said rhetorically. "Look, there are some things that are more important at the moment and I don't want to be distracted." Tom argued, his voice raising and his anger building be the second. "Distracted by what? By me?" Y/n spoke, standing up to face Riddle, her voice rising equally. "By your childish behaviour! I don't want to have to look out for you! I don't want to have to get you out of trouble! You'll just ruin it! I. Don't. Need. You." Tom yelled.

Y/n's POV:

Those last words cut me like a knife. How could he say that? Surely he doesn't mean it.

Although I was doubting he meant it, it didn't make me feel mended. My gaze dropped to the floor, silencing both of us. "I'm going to bed." I whispered, turning away from his enraged look and walked towards the door, grabbing a fist of f/l and stuffing them into my pocket. As soon as the door turned into a wall I burst into tears. I'm not usually one to cry but he's my best friend...or was, and it hurt.

I ran to the Gryffindor common room, I knew that I was a Slytherin and usually wouldn't be allowed into another common room but I need someone to comfort me. I reached the fat lady's portrait and asked her to get James for me. "You do understand it's almost 11:30 at night? I doubt they'll be aw-" "y/n! My dear cousin! I thought I heard you depressing tones!" Yelled James, who had appeared behind the portrait, grinning ear to ear. It didn't look like he had been in bed at all. He took my hand and pulled me inside, ushering me to one of the large red couches. His eyes reflected sadness when he saw my tear-stained cheeks. "PADFOOT! Get the blankets! MOONY! Get the chocolate! WORMTAIL! Light the fire again!" James ordered to the other boys walking down the stairs, Sirius and Remus only to be rushing up the stairs again.

"Now, tell me everything."

Pt2 next!

Words: 1605

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