𝚃.𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎 𝚡 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢/𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 -"𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑢𝑑𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦"

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I linked a series on YouTube that I've been watching while in isolation and I love it so much so yeah

H/c = hair colour (blonde/brunette etc.)

Tom is in 5-6th year. (I'm pretty sure that's when he asked slughorn about horcruxes. Correct me if I'm wrong)

Y/n's POV:

I was sitting in front of the black lake staring at the page I've been stuck on for the past 15 minutes, I was finding ways of procrastinating from doing my potions homework which professor slughorn was up-my-ass about, so I decided to read a book I found in the muggle section of the library 'the Hunger Games' which looked mildly interesting (a/n: it's a really good book I recommend).

"I don't understand how you can read that muggle stuff without dying of boredom" said one of the shadows walking towards me. "Just because you grew up in the muggle world and have the audacity to judge all muggle books on the ones you've read does not mean I cannot enjoy them." I argued without looking up from my book. "Yes, your right, it means you have an interesting taste in books" Tom said sarcastically. "Oh shut up, stop judging me." I mocked hurt, "but as you said, I have the AUDACITY to judge books just on the ones I was forced to read in that hell hole I have to live in." He spat. I looked at him shocked at his sudden out burst.

His eyes softened slightly at the look on my face, Tom opened his mouth to say something but Avery cut him off "why are you reading that muggle trash anyway? Your from one of the oldest and longest lines of pureblood wizards! The Y/L's! and your reading muggle books!" Avery scolded. "Avery, my dearest, dearest cousin...you do realise there IS a difference between being a clueless pureblood, like yourself and hating them for a reason" I stated, I heard Riddle and a few of the others chuckle, leaving Avery grumbling something about me not respecting purebloods or something I don't care.

Tom pulled me closer to him, hanging his arm over my shoulder. He was never into the PDA stuff but made exceptions if he had a bad day or something, it was never anything big, just hugging and stuff.

Rosier and Malfoy we're having a heated argument about the pre-season quidditch game coming up, Rookwood, Avery and the other 3 I couldn't care to name cutting in to agree or disagree at parts. Leaving Tom's head resting on my shoulder while I read. "These dumbasses are doing my head in." I whisper to Tom, "I knowwwwww." Tom complains

"You can go away now" Tom said, making the boys stop their conversation and turn to Tom. "Now." He said sternly. "Yes my lord" the boys synchronised and scuttled away.

3rd person POV:

The future deatheaters scuttled past y/n and Tom. When walking past, Avery reached down to grab y/n's book, luckily they had a better grip and he was quickly swatted away by y/n and ran towards the others not before getting hit by y/n's jelly legs jinx causing him to trip over his own feet and smash face first into the hard ground.

Tom and y/n watched as Rosier and Malfoy went to help Avery, who kept stumbling into mud and dirt, off of the ground. "Control your girlfriend/boyfriend Tom! Or they gonna get us all killed!" Yelled Malfoy, Y/n and Tom laughed at the boys stumbling away from them towards the castle.

Once the boys had left, there was a peaceful quietness, since everyone was probably at quidditch training or in the library studying for the upcoming tests. The silence was shortly broken by Tom's voice, "I asked slughorn about horcruxes today" Tom spoke still staring ahead to the black lake. "Mmhm, did he answer?" Y/n answered, only barley listening to Tom. "He told me...eventually, but was very hesitant to do so." He mumbled into their neck.

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