2 𝙷.𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

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This is a mix of the book and movie (since I don't remember some parts of the book)

"Darling." Nothing. "'Mione" no response. "Hermionneeeeeeeeeee! Stop being such a book worm for once pleaseeee?? Gimme attention!!!!" Y/n whined. Still nothing. Y/n huffed and snatched one of Hermione's books off of her stack. "Hey y/n!" The girl growled, snatching the book back. "Attention. Gimme. Now." "NO!" "Fine. What's all this for anyway?" Y/n questioned. "Remember how Harry, Ron and I are going to look for horcruxes after the wedding." The gryffindor reminded. "Yeah...but I'm BORED! Just find me something to dooooooooo." Y/n begged. "Well y/n, since you're a Hufflepuff. Why don't you FIND yourself something to do? Hm?".
Y/n huffed and left to find Mrs Weasley to help with the food and decorations for the upcoming wedding.

Y/n's POV:

I went up to Mrs Weasley who was setting the tables with swan napkins and polished silver cutlery. "Mrs Weasley?" I asked, tapping the ginger woman's shoulder. "What? Oh y/n dear. Sorry, I thought you were one of the boys." Molly apologised, patting me on the shoulder. "I was wondering if you had anything for me to do? Since Hermione's busy at the moment." "Of course! Do you mind seeing if Arthur has arrived back with the Delacour's? They should be here by now." I nodded. "Ooh! And take Fleur with you." The older lady said, cringing at the bride's name. I nodded again and walked to find the French girl.

"maman! papa! c'est si bon de vous voir!" Fleur cheered, hugging the couple. (A/n: I tried using my what I learned in my French class. Sorry if the sentence doesn't make sense.) I stood there awkwardly watching as the bride-to-be interacted with her family. It made me sad, knowing I couldn't do that with my family. See, when I first started dating Hermione, my parents were shocked and tried getting me to date a guy (ew). When they realised it wouldn't work on me, they gave up and disowned me. And THEY were Hufflepuffs. It just shows that we're not all nice and excepting. I didn't tell Hermione of course otherwise she would think she's the reason I don't take to them anymore. "Gabrielle! je vous ai manqué!" The girl hugged her sister.


Hermione's POV:

It was the day of Bill and Fleur's wedding. Also the day before we are supposed to leave and find the horcruxes. I breathed out, looking through my bag making sure I have everything. I really didn't want to leave y/n, But I have to. The future of the wizarding community is relying on Harry, Ron and I.

Before Harry arrived, y/n and I had devised a plan. We looked through what felt like thousands of books until we found a spell which lets one object (my note book in this case) connect to another (y/n's locket). So while us three are away, y/n can inform us on what's going on at hogwarts without letting the ministry find where we are via owl. I made sure to pack my note book into the hidden pocket of the bag.

"'Mione, me lady." I heard y/n said from the doorframe. I turned and found her mock-bowing to me, her hand out for me to take.
"Y/n, my amazing girlfriend how lovely to see you! Did you find something to do?" I giggled, taking her hand and giving her a peck on the lips. "Oh shush Granger I was bored." She complained.

"Does this look okay?" I ask her, pointing to my red, knee length dress. "Okay? More like megafoxysuperawesomehot! It really shows your Gryffindor pride." She smirked, looking me up and down. "Thank you." I smirked back and lead us downstairs.

"Next time can you two keep the mushy stuff for when your door is closed?" Ronald complained. "Ron, I'm not sure if you've realised, perhaps it's your unobservant-ness or maybe your lack of relationship knowledge but...you do understand you're at a wedding right?a celebration of marriage which will have kissing at the alter." Y/n snapped back. "Ooooo feisty little 'uffle puff." Ginny giggled, attempting French pronunciation. "Yes L/n I know I'm at a wedding and I DO have relationship knowledge!" Ron talked back. "If you're talking about Lavender you know nothing." Y/n said simply. "But I was in a relationship with her!" "Yes Ron and how did that work out for you?" Fred chuckled. "Yeah. Break up with the only girl willing to date you so you can confess your love to another *cough*hermione*cough* only then to find out the other girl is gay and has a girlfriend! What a great ending for you!" George chimed in, making everyone fall into a laughing heap.


The deatheaters invaded the wedding. I was holding onto y/n's hand tight dragging us away from the fire-lit marquee.

Y/n turned to me, "I think you three should go to Grimmauld place. Moody put some defences up there so no one should be able to get in other than you." She spoke. "But-" "No buts Hermione Granger." Y/n said sternly. I teared up. I didn't want to leave my girlfriend. I needed to know she was safe. "I will be safe just go!" I forgot she was good with legilimency. I thought. I nodded and kissed her quickly, running away to find Harry and Ron. "Remember to write!" I heard her yell.

And that was the last I heard her for a while.


Does this deserve a 2nd part? Let me know!

This one was shorter than usual. I wasn't sure what I wanted to happen but there you go!

Words: 970

Next: Special chapter

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