4 𝙳.𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚏𝚘𝚢 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 - 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥

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Request by: JulzLovDraco4Eva

Year: 6
Age: 16
House: Slytherin
Gender: Female
H/c = hair colour
E/c = eye colour


3rd person POV:

"Bye Draco, be safe. Say hello to y/n for me!" Narcissa cried to her son, who was already boarding the Hogwarts Express. "I will mother." Draco smiled back weakly, His voice filled with uncertainty. That holiday, he had been given the task of killing Dumbledore by Lord Voldemort, and to say Draco was ready, would be a lie.

Narcissa parted from the station was the train starting moving. Her son's platinum blonde hair sticking out from the rest in the carriage as she apparated away. Draco moved along the carriage, looking out for his best friend y/n l/n. The two Slytherin friends hadn't seen each other since last year's semester. Draco wouldn't admit it to anyone, especially himself, he had missed y/n more than anything and was desperate to see her and feel her comfort. The boy passed groups of Slytherins and Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws and Slytherins, and a group of obviously second years who had all the houses sitting together. Draco scoffed at the group of mixed Hogwarts students. they don't understand just yet. wait till they join the quidditch teams. He thought to himself. The young Malfoy reached the 3rd front carriage where mostly Slytherins were sitting. Pansy, Blaise and y/n were sitting in the left corner of the squished space.
Y/n spotted her best friend and waved him over.

"Hey Draco!" y/n grinned, wrapping her arms around his torso as he sat down. "oh my god L/n leave Draco alone. Why would he want anything to do with a mudblood like you?" Millicent Bulstrode smirked. "SHUT UP BULSTRODE BEFORE I MAKE YOU!" Pansy yelled back, hugging y/n into her side.



Y/n L/n, a muggle-born girl was boarding the Hogwarts Express for the first time. "Send us a letter when you arrive y/n! Love you! Have fun!" Her parents waved as the train pulled away from the station. Y/n ran into one of the compartments and pulled open one of the windows to wave back.

"you should stop doing that." A boy's voice spoke. y/n turned around to see ahead of gelled blonde hair sitting across from where she was standing. "Why?" She asked curiously. "you might fall out, and I don't really want to have to jump after you." He smirked. "Oh." y/n sat down across from the boy. "Draco Malfoy." the boy smiled, putting his hand out for her to shake. "Y/n L/n, nice to meet you." She put her hand out to his and shook it.

The two so-to-be Slytherins chatted for a few minutes before two large boys came into the cabin, hands full of sweets and lollies. Y/n smiled nicely at the boys, scootching her body more towards the window to give them space. "Introduce yourselves!" Draco scolded them. "I'm Vincent Crabbe, that's Gregory Goyle." the round-faced boy said, nodding at her. Draco motioned for y/n to sit next to him while Crabbe and Goyle sit where she was. "Alohamora," Malfoy said, pointing his wand at the wood below the window seal making a long table appear and become a barrier between the boys and the soon best friends.

"so y/n," Draco smiled, tucking his wand back into his jumper. "what's your blood status? You seem like a half-blood...or something muggle-ish I guess." "um...I'm a muggle-born." y/n sighed, hanging her head slightly.

She had learnt from 'Hogwarts: A History' that muggleborns were considered 'lower' than purebloods and half-bloods. They were at the base of the hierarchy, the bottom of the food chain in other words. Draco shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "Hey don't beat yourself up about it." He consoled the girl, wrapping his arm around the slouching h/c. "Just tell people that you're a half-blood and usually they'll leave you alone." He smiled. "Aren't Malfoy's supposed to hate muggle-borns?" She sniffed, leaning further from the boy. "I don't see my parents or any important families here." He smirked, pulling y/n closer again. Y/n giggled and gave in, leaning on Draco's shoulder.

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