𝚃.𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚝𝟸 - "𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑐𝑢𝑒"

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"Distracted by what? By me?" Y/n spoke, standing up to face Riddle, her voice rising equally. "By your childish behaviour! I don't want to have to look out for you! I don't want to have to get you out of trouble! You'll just ruin it! I. Don't. Need. You." Tom yelled.
"PADFOOT! Get the blankets! MOONY! Get the chocolate! WORMTAIL! Light the fire again!" James ordered to the other boys walking down the stairs, Sirius and Remus only to be rushing up the stairs again.

"Now, tell me everything."

Tom's POV:

I stood there staring at the fire a long time after y/n had left. What have I done. I thought. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have blamed everything on her. She was being a good friend. "and I pushed her away!" I yelled into nothingness, throwing the book into the fire. Tears started brimming at my eyes. I need to apologise. I thought. I grabbed my homework bag and ran out the door towards the Slytherin common room. I knew she was smart enough to know better than be in the common room. If she really didn't want me to find her she would go somewhere she thinks I wouldn't go, but Slytherin common room is a start.


Y/n's POV:

"THAT ABSOLUTE ASSHAT!" James yelled. I had just told James, Sirius, Remus and Peter about what Tom had said earlier. "Twat." "Asshole." "prick." A chorus of insults came bubbling out of their mouths. Once they had finished their hate-train towards Riddle, James sat down and pulled me into his side. "Don't worry about him. He'll realise his mistake and regret it instantly. Plus, you've got the best cousin in the world at your side and as the muggle call it: his 3 fellow musketeers!" James laughed. I laughed at his lack of muggle knowledge. "I think there's only 3 musketeers, that means one of you will be left out." I giggled. "No no, I'm sure there were 4 of them." James insisted. "Even if there were only 3, which is ridiculous, Prongs and I will pose as one person!" Sirius celebrated.

We sat on the couch together laughing, making stupid jokes (we were all half asleep so anything was funny) and eating tons of lollies and chocolates until I passed out.


Tom's POV:

I arrived in the common room, it was completely empty other than a few piles of homework parchments. A big silver clock hung over the fire showing it was 5 minutes to midnight. She's probably in bed. Being a prefect, we are allowed to enter the other dorms, with a reason of course, but I didn't care. I needed to talk to her.

I walk up to the girls dorms, using my wand as a torch. Walking past all the doors, trying to find y/n l/n on one of them.

Narcissa Black, Bellatrix Black, Andromeda Black, Emma Vanity. Y/n L/n. I hear giggling coming from behind the door. Perhaps y/n's in there, or they know where she is. I knock on the door and hear a faint 'come in'. "Hello Tom." Narcissa smiled. I always liked Narcissa, she's one of y/n's smarter and less annoying friends, she's also Lucius' girlfriend so I guess I have to like her. "Hi Tom!" Bellatrix giggled, ugh I can't stand her. I thought, sparing her less than a glance. "How can we help you?" Narcissa asked. "I wanted to know whether y/n was in here, but I don't see her so have you seen her?" I questioned. "No we thought she would have been with you. I'm sure she's fine though." Andromeda joined. Narcissa patted her bed, signalling me to sit down. I sighed and sat next to her. "I may have said something's I didn't actually mean" I confessed.

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