𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐! 𝚂.𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 - "𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑎 𝑏𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑟"

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I don't usually read marauders one shots but I thought of this so yeah.

Y/n and Sirius are good friends even though he's in Griffindor and she's in Slytherin.

F/l/b = favourite Lolly brand

Y/n's POV:

Tears were streaming out of my eyes as I ran away from the mess of people in the hall. Severus and I were walking from charms when we were ambushed by some year 6 Ravenclaws, who charmed our books to constantly by floating 30cm above us, and if we looked down they would fall and probably give us concussions. Our slytherin prefect Malfoy got them down for us before Severus ran to the common room and I ran to find Sirius, knowing he's the only one who would comfort me.

I headed towards the black lake, knowing that's where Evans would be, and James being the lost puppy he is, would be there too.

"Come on Evans! PLEASE!" I heard someone yell. I followed the voice, and there stood James Potter, grovelling in front of poor Lily Evans.

3rd person POV:

Their gonna get married, it's obvious. Y/n thought, walking towards the crowd of people surrounding the two Griffindors.

She stopped when she reached the Marauders next to Remus and Sirius. "James is asking Evans again and is getting quite a lot of attention for it this time." Remus informed y/n, not turning away from the scene unraveling in front of them. "Ooooh what a surprise!" Y/n said sarcastically, watching Prongs taking Lily's hands and getting on his knees dramatically.

"You free to talk?" Y/n asked turning to Sirius. "After dinner?" She added, seeing him still glued to the couple. Sirius nodded giving y/n a side hug and a small smile.

Time skip after dinner brought to you by Captain Hook:

Sirius' POV:

Y/n asked me to meet her after dinner. She seemed pretty stressed when I saw her, so I bought all her favourite muggle chocolates mostly f/l/b, no wonder why y/n and moony get along so well. I thought.

I walked up to our usual spot, top of the astronomy tower. Y/n and I had this thing we would do whenever one of us was sad, we would meet at the astronomy tower, eat TONS of sugar and listen to muggle records until we were caught by some teacher or prefect, that's probably why we have so many detentions.

Y/n was already sitting at the edge of the tower looking over the rails. (a/n: I couldn't remember if the astronomy tower had rails of not) "what do you think your doing Mrs L/n at this hour?" I mimicked McGonagall's voice, knowing she always laughed at that. She turned around and gave a weak smile. She's been crying i thought, seeing head tear-stained cheeks glimmering in the moonlight.

"Hey Padfoot" y/n whispered, wiping her fresh tears away. I walked towards her, dropping the food and records beside the blanket she set up and ran over to her, trapping her in a hug. I felt her lightly shake in my arms and my shirt become a bit damper.

3rd person POV:

"Hey, hey...what's wrong?" Sirius cooed. "It was those stupid Ravenclaws again!" Y/n sobbed, still clinging to Sirius' top. (A/n: I don't have anything against ravenclaws) "it's ok now though isn't it, hmm?" Black whispered into the girls ear. "How about we sit down, put some music on and eat tons until we pass out! Like we always do!" Sirius cheered, giving y/n a wide smile, showing his small dimples. Making y/n laugh.

The two of them sat down on the checkered blanket and covered themselves with the other, reaching into the bag full to the brim with different kinds of lollies and chocolates. Sirius took out a Pepper Imp, while y/n took a f/l/b and stuck it in her mouth.

Y/n looked through the pick of records Sirius had brought. He knew the type of music y/n liked. She was into the emo muggle music, like My Chemical Romance, paramore and her favourite..With Confidence. (A/n: anyone who gets why I chose WC well done) even though she was a pureblood slytherin girl, y/n enjoyed their 'terrible' muggle music and who better to listen to it with then 70's lover Sirius. Y/n placed the record on the player and sang along, leaning onto Sirius' shoulder.

After singing along through mouths full of sugar, Sirius stood up hold his hand out to y/n.


Y/n's POV:

I turn away from the view of the mountains to Sirius holding his hand out to me, i smirk knowing what's coming. Sirius' guilty pleasure is dancing, I think it's from going to so many pureblood balls as children.

I take his hand and pull myself up, he smiles back at me, placing his hand on my waist and taking the other one.

Do I look lonely?
I see the shadows on my face
People have told me I don't look the same
Maybe I lost weight
I'm playing hooky with the best of the best
Put my heart on my chest so that you can see it, too

I start laughing at Sirius' poor attempts at twirling himself under my arm

I'm walking the long road, watching the sky fall
The lace in your dress tingles my neck, how do I live?

"THE DEATH OF A BACHELOOOORRR OH OH!!" We both yell giggling, leaning into each other for stability. Still dancing in a circle.

Letting the water fall
The death of a bachelor
Oh oh
Seems so fitting for
Happily ever after (woo)
How could I ask for more?
A lifetime of laughter
At the expense of the death of a bachelor

I hummed the rest of the lyrics until the end of the song, both Sirius and I falling into a heap on the floor. After calming down, we talked about James and Lily's 'relationship' and other stuff. "I still think you and Moony would be cute! Wolf star!" I teased, talking another bite of Mrs Potter's brownie she sent for my birthday.

"No, I'm not gay-" "I wish you were" I mumbled, "Hey! Just cause you can't admit that you like me doesn't mean-" "I do not like you Black! If anyone likes anyone, it would be you liking Lupin" I argued. "Anyway, what happened with the Ravenclaws?" Sirius asked softly. "They didn't do anything to bad. I mean Lucius eventually helped us but, they just made our books float and stuff. Nothing too bad. It's only This once." I said stuffing my face with more jelly lollies. "Doesn't mean it's good y/n" he said sternly.

Sirius' POV:

I pulled y/n into my lap to hug her. She relaxed against my chest, humming the words of the song that just played. I looked down at her, her eyes were closed, legs curled up slightly. She looked up at me, which was when I realised how close we actually were. My eyes flickered from hers to her lips. I've liked y/n for a long time, I know I have a reputation as a player, or whatever you want to name it, but I don't care at this moment.

She looks straight into my eyes. I see y/n's eyes look down slightly. Then she turns away, "we should go. Before we're caught by prefects or something." I couldn't help but feel disappointed, I had the chance and I didn't take it. "Yeah. Your probably right." I agree, packing up the food and blankets. I look over at y/n picking up the records and placing them in the bag. "We'll get in trouble with the portraits too if we're too late." She spoke checking the time. "It's almost 12 anyway haha we'll be lucky to not get a months detention.". I nod. Knowing there's no way I'm getting out of this. "Ok, well, thanks Padfoot. For...this" y/n smiles. I nod again. Not sure of what to say. I hear her footsteps fade away into the distance.

I haven't been updating as much as I would like cause of the iso schooling and all the extra homework and stuff but hopefully I'll be able to do better next

Tell me if you think this deserves a pt2 or not?

Words: 1419

Next: 🙎🏻‍♂️🐍

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