𝙷.𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 - 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥

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4th year

(Pansy is nicer to Hermione than in the books)

warning ⚠️

I don't know anything about designing...or clothes in general. so I apologise in advance if I don't use the technical words for things.

it might sound a bit creepy at the start so I apologise for that as well.

And it's FUCKING CRINGEY at the end...

Request by: ThatsJust_Jishi


"Okay, Pansy do you mind spinning around for me?" Y/n asked her friend. Pansy span around in a circle as her friend watched closely. "Yeah...I'll have to fix up that back part. It'll fall apart before the poor girl can get into the Hall." Y/n told herself. She was currently taking orders on dresses for her to make for her (mostly Slytherin and Hufflepuff) fellow students, all because of the upcoming Yule Ball.

Y/n thanked her friend and left for the Library. Y/n went straight for the 'design/fashion' section of the library since she needed more ideas for designs, and what better book than 'Versace's designs through the years'. Y/n picked up a couple of books of around the same section and opened up her sketchbook to a new page.

"Harry, why don't you just talk to Ron yourself." a voice groaned from the front of the library. "'Mione, he won't talk to me. so I'm asking you to!" someone huffed. God, you they realise they're in a library? they're supposed to be quiet! y/n rolled her eyes. Harry? Ron? 'Mione? Oh. Gryffindors. she rolled her eyes again and went back to her drawing again. "well, I'm in the library to relax and read so if you don't mind, please leave." Harry, y/n assumed, stomped out from the behind the isle and out of the library. Hermione scoffed and walked out of the isle, placing her books onto the table across the room from y/n.

y/n stared at the girl for a while, before going back to her design. She soon realised she was subconsciously drawing Granger. y/n groaned at her subconscious. oh well, she has a model's shape. y/n thought to herself, again looking up at the Gryffindor across the room. I'll use her as a designing model, for my drawings. So, y/n started sketching and resketching Hermione's outline, drawing different styles of dresses and suits on top.

"Hey y/n." a boy's voice said from behind her. y/n quickly slammed one of the books on top of the drawings, hiding them from sight. "h-hi Draco." y/n stammered, pushing some of her stray h/c behind her ears. "what are you hiding?" Her bestfriend asked, quirking an eyebrow at the girl. "nothing of your concern Malfoy, now bugger off." y/n shooed him away. "but you never have time for me anymoreeeee." Draco whined, clutching onto the girls arm as he slumped to the ground. "you're always busy now with the Yule ball dresses you promised girls to make, and the suit ties you promise other people you'd make...you-just don't have any time for your best friend anymore...and he's lonely without you." the Slytherin boy pouted, grazing his hand up and down y/n arm lazely.

"Draco, I have to get this stuff done." Y/n growled, staring back at where Hermione was. "But...I want to hang out with you! Not Goyle and Crabbe and...Pansy." Draco shivered. Y/n giggled at her friends reaction. "Pansy's not that bad." "SHE TRIED TO SNOG ME IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL THIS MORNING!" "SHHH!" Ms Pince glared at Draco. "Either way, you're better company. So pleaseeeeee?"


This happened a couple times after.

Y/n would go to the library to design in peace (a peace that would be broken by a whining Draco). And every time Hermione would also be there, scouring the rows and rows of books, carrying armfuls back to the table across the room from y/n every time.

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