#18 "Thank You"

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The wind caressed her skin as she strolled through the streets. The bodies of people passing by reminding her of the familiarity of companionship.

She'd learnt so much just in a few days that it was hard to shake it off.

First that she desired a relationship and no matter how far she pushed that in the back of her mind, that desire would always be there.

Second, that desire didn't make her weak or not contented in her single season. It emboldened her contentment, because she could rush into aimless relationships but choosing to wait while having that desire was strength within itself.

Her orbs glanced at the signs on the buildings, her mind reading each one of them.

The vibration in her jeans pocket causing her to pull the device out and place it against her ear.

"How are you?"

The voice sang and caused tears to spring forth.

"Tenille I miss you."

She let the words come out, the absence of her best friend being heavy in this moment.

"Oh no, that's not good... start talking."

A chuckle escaped Kait's lips as she wiped at the stray tear that threatened to escape her eye.

Comfort soared through her at how easy it was for the two to read each other without so much of any added words.

"So... I met this guy... definitely didn't like him at first because I've just been saying this year I don't want a relationship... I don't want it to be my focus... but we started talking mostly like everyday and I feel like I should stop... because I'd get attached when clearly he doesn't feel that way about me and I don't want to get my feelings hurt."

She poured out to the one person that she knew understood her heart better than she did at times.

Silence encompassed both women as Tenille drank in her friends words.

"Aw... Kait... I definitely think you should take a pause from talking to him, limit how much y'all talk... talking to any guy everyday is bound to bring feelings and attachment... you won't talk to someone everyday if you didn't enjoy talking to them... so if he doesn't want anything with you and you don't want to get attached, set some boundaries where it comes to the both of you talking."

Each word Tenille said seeped into Kait's mind. Her friend providing the wisdom Kait at times didn't even know that she needed.

"Secondly... I think you do want a relationship and that's fine but don't put a time limit on it or when you're ready to date... allow God in His timing to present that man to you while you wait but if you close yourself off the idea then you can block your blessings..."

Kait's eyes welled with tears.

"And be honest with yourself and whoever you're speaking too... if it's an everyday thing, let the guy know hey we're talking and I'm not rushing anything but I am getting to know people to figure out what is right for me and what fits into my lifestyle or what I am willing or not willing to adjust to for someone else if they are worth it..."

The sides of Kait's lips rose.

"Thank you for that... I needed to hear it... I think I just got so tired of being the romantic that never really experienced romance that at times I just shut off and people come and turn on that side of me but it's either the wrong guy or not reciprocated and I'm learning to maneuver those feelings along the way."

She poured, her heart feeling lighter with each revelation she had with her best friend.

"I think the best thing is always being honest with yourself and what you want... a relationship isn't your main focus, it has never been... you worked hard and accomplished a lot of things... you desire to be in a relationship but you're not rushing into one at the same time and that's admirable... feelings might pop up for someone along the way and that's okay... we're only human after all... learning to embrace what we feel, feel it and grow from it... that's the beautiful part."

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