#20 "This Moment"

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Her fingers slid across the aisle of books. The shelves like shields surrounding her as Kait's orbs glanced at each print, color and wording on each book.

She wanted her retreat to birth substance that when the women left, they felt refreshed, lighter and even with greater encouragement to continue on their waiting journey.

She also wanted that for herself, so when the thought came into her mind to include trinkets, Kait knew she wouldn't allow the thought to slip away.

Her fingers wrapped around the brown leather book. With each turn of the page, the blank book carried a scripture verse at the bottom.

This was the book, her mind said as she placed it in the red basket that hung on to her wrist.

Collecting boxes of black ink pens, Kait's feet led her to the register.

The blue orbs landed on her as the sides of the woman's mouth rose.

"Is that all?"

The question caused Kait to shake her head.

"I need at least fifty of these notebooks and do you guys have firm paper... a bit thicker in size than the letter paper?"


She stepped into the cafe, the bags that occupied her hands sat on the wooden chair across from her.

The melodious tunes of bounced off the wooden walls of the cafe.

When I was just a little girl, my momma used to tuck me into bed
She read me a story
It always was about a Princess in distress and how a guy would save her
End up with the glory

Kait smiled as the movie in which she'd heard the song came into remembrance.

"Hi, can I take your order?"

The woman's smile was infectious as Kait's lips parted.

"I'd have a matcha Frappuccino and a cream cheese bagel."

I don't wanna be like Cinderella
Sittin' in a dark old dusty cellar
Waiting for somebody, to come and set me free
I don't wanna be like Snow White waiting for a handsome prince to come and save me on a horse of white
Unless we're riding side by side
Don't wanna depend on no-one else
I'd rather rescue myself
Someday, I'm gonna find someone who wants my soul, heart and mind

The words of the son resonated with her as she allowed the weight of the day to fall onto the chair.

Life at times made it seem as if women were the damsels in distress always in need of saving because they tended to be emotive beings.

Kait didn't see emotion as a weakness but a strength. Being in tune with how she felt allowed her to understand herself and her body fully.

She knew when to allow rest to consume her and reset. She knew when to push herself and she knew when a break was needed.

Listening to her body gave her a great reward, her mind creating with ease.

I don't wanna be like Snow White waiting for a handsome prince to come and save me on a horse of white
Unless we're riding side by side
Don't wanna depend on no-one else
I'd rather rescue myself
I can slay, my own dragon
I can dream, my own dreams
My knight in shining armour is me
So, I'm gonna set me free

Loving herself became a major priority in Kait's life because if she didn't love and understand herself, then who would?

If she couldn't give the things she required from a relationship, then why would she get into one?

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