"Are You Sure You Love Me?"

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"ANX!" Roman ran up to virgil "H-Hey Virgil, uh fuck uhm, okay uhhh" roman was starting to panic which only made virgil feel worse, roman noticed and took virgils hand in his, "okay, uhm. I need you to copy how i breathe, okay?" Virgil nodded and copied romans pattern, in, out, in, out, in, out, in, out

Virgil began to calm down, roman moved virgil onto his lap and started cuddling him.

"I love you, Roman..." virgil said quietly

"Love you more, V"

Timemememememe skeieieieip

Virgil woke up in romans arms, virgil got up and looked around. He saw a bag labled "KADES PILLS" on it, he looked in the bag and saw the pills

"Finally!!!!!" Virgil thought
Virgil ran in the bathroom and got some water in a plastic cup, he took the amoint of pills needed and drank all the water

Virgil walked back over to where roman was sleeping and started playing with his hair

'How did i get so lucky?' Virgil thought

He often went aboard that train of thought, he wondered what roman thought was so special about him, what roman saw in him

I mean what could he see, virgil tucked everything under and roman just happen to be digging up where virgil buried his emotions

Virgil was on love with toman nonetheless

But he always beeded reassurance

Because who knows, roman might be pitying him

Virgil was so deep in his mind that he didnt notice roman waking up, Roman was blushing at virgils contact towards his hair

Virgil rarely makes physical contact roman didnt know why though. Roman slowly turned to not startle virgil, virgil didnt seem to notice the exact replica of a tomato turn over so he was facing his emo nightmares face.

Roman was worrued so he layed his hand on virgils, virgil squealed and jumped back, "EEEEK!" Virgil then realized what happened and warily crawled back to roman

"Morning ro, uhhh, j have a question..." virgil started roman nodded showing he was listening

"Are you sure you love me?"

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