"What the actual fuck?"

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"AHHH!" Virgil yelled, virgil was blushing very hard, while roman was laughing his ass off. "What the actual fuck?" Logan asked, confused as hell. "R-ROMAN W-WHAT???" patton yelled along with virgil. Patton and virgil were up against the wall pointing at roman with a terrified look on each of their faces. Roman kept on laughing, "r-r-roman w-whyyyyy?" Virgil asked still red. Roman was wiping away his tears and winked at virgil, virgil stuck his middle finger up at roman, "Again virgil its me-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP" Virgil yelled while tackling roman. Roman was laughing again. Logan had a very confused look on his face, and patton was still on the wall pointing. "Im so confused" Logan stated "how am I confused?". Roman was laughing even harder now. Virgil covered romans eyes with his hands- "SHUT THE FUCK UP" Roman suddenly stopped, everyone in the room was confused.

When anx took his hands off romans eyes, he grabbed them, and admired how adorable virgil was. Roman became calm af, virgil was confused as hell and raised his eyebrow slightly. Roman looked into virgils eyes, "youre cute as hell", "AHHHHHH" virgil ran upstairs, "IMMM DOONEEEEEER, I CANT HANDLE YOUR HOT- ah shit-I MEANT HOSTILE FACE!!!" Roman snorted, "how is it hostile?" "BECAUSE FUCK YOU" Virgil yelled back, "again virgil, sweetie, im the one who-" "STOP MAKING THAT FUCKING JOKEEEEE" Roman could hear the smile and love in his voice. He saw the way virgil slightly gripped his jacket sleeves tighter, and knew that he only did that when he was embarresed or in pain, he knew which one it was by virgils eyes, girgils eyes coukd show so many things, and so little at the same time, like the way virgils eyes shown dancing starts everytime anyone gave him a compliment, or when virgil was happy his eyes woykd show golden glitter, when virgil was uoset his eyes went blank, luke a book with no ink on its tinted and worn down pages. he loved virgil. He. LOVED. Virgil. Not only loved, but adored him. Anx was romans life, and thomas's too. Without anxiety, Thomas would be nothing. Thomas would be long gone by now... the sides only get better with that emotional mess around, and they love him for it. But not as much as roman loves virgil. If love was not a mental saying, Roman would rip his heart out just to give it to virgil. He jumped in the pool of risk and live only with a sword, and came out with a heart. He vowed to never let the heart shatter, for one, if the heart shattered, the sword stood for nothing. The sword would fall, as did the heart. And for two, the sword knew that someday, the heart would save it from drowning in a pool of blood, that represented sadness, and loss, of not only the ones he loved, but the ones he killed to save the heart. The heart was its mental sheild, for its power was alike to a glass cannon. The hit is powerful to the person it bows upon, its attack is godly, yet, it cant take a hit without losing all of its small health. Again, for definition, a glass cannon, the heart, or better known as virgil, romans love. And the sword, very obviously roman, virgils sworn protector.

"oman ROMAN!" yelled patton in the princes ear, "AH! Sorry patton, i blanked out for a minute there!" Roman apoligized, "its fine but virgil was trying to get your attention!" Patton told him, "oh okay, where is he now?" Roman questioned, "in his room, ALSO I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU MAKE A JOKE LIKE THAT AGAIN-"

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