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Virgil walked down the halls of the mind palace, looking for a certain princes room.
And yeah... uhm virgil tripped, i guess? Roman caught him, then they fucked.
The end

Not really, i might not be able to update this friday, i hope thw other updates i made this week will make up for it. I have a bunch of school work. Mostly band, i hate how much work they give us.
They expect us ti learn a while song and turn it in, in one day.

If you dont understand how long a song takes to learn lemme tell you, the last song we learned, it was 3 lines long.


Its obviously bigger than that but thats the best i can do on here.
The song they want us to learn is about 12-14 lines long.

The one with three lines took us 2 weeks to learn.

Are you picking up what im putting down?


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