🌹Chapter 1🌹

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Antonio sighed angrily, throwing his hands above his head as he looked up at the blue sky above. He walked along the edge of the forest that sat on the south side of his town.

Antonio Carriedo was a police officer in his small town. He lived in a small house by himself, save for his pet bull ElDorado. He had two close friends, albino man Gilbert Beilshmidt and Frenchman Francis Bonneyfoy.

He had been put on patrol at probably the most boring place in the entire town after an old man had called in a complaint about something making loud noises from the woods near his house. The same old man had also called in many other useless complaints, and frankly, Antonio wished the office would just stop taking calls from him. Though it had most likely been just a woodland creature, Antonio had still been sent out to check it out.

He grumbled and veered into the woods, aimlessly walking as he fumed to himself. He continued to walk, just taking in his surroundings. He walked into a small clearing in the forest, pausing a moment to glance around.

Hearing the faint sound of the rush of water, Antonio walked a bit faster. He walked through several bushes, scowling as he got poked by sticks and thorns. Finally he came to a cliff ledge, and cautiously peering over, saw a deep ravine with a river flowing through it, accompanied by a sparkling waterfall.

It was quite beautiful and amazing how Antonio hadn't known it was here; yes, he knew there was a river, but no one ever spoke of a waterfall. He found himself leaning a bit over the edge, watching as the waterfall sprayed mist up into the ravine. He could feel the slight rush of cooler air lightly blowing his face and hair.

To his horror, he felt the ground beneath him shift, and before he could throw himself back, Antonio felt the ground crumble beneath him. He screamed, watching as the river below became increasingly closer.

God, if the fall didn't kill him, the rapid water below sure would.

He felt adrenaline course through him, though it was no good now. Blood rushed to his face as he fell, and he accepted that yep, this was how he was going to die.

He was going to die because he had been pouting about being put on patrol near the forest and wandered off. Damn, and he hadn't even been able to tell Gilbert that he had been the one that had eaten the fries rather than blaming Alfred.

And just as Antonio was about to fully accept his fate, he felt a pair of arms wrap around his chest. He huffed as he was jerked from falling and started being lifted further up into the air.

He heard the beats of powerful wings, and the first thing he thought in his panicked state was that a large bird was carrying him away to eat him. He began to struggle, screaming out.

"What the hell are you doing?" He screeched, still writhing. He caught a flash of the huge brown wings that were beating around him. They were huge! What kind of bird was this? "Let me go!"

"Shut the hell up," a sharp male voice intervened. "Unless you were planning on being dropped from up here?"

Antonio froze.

Normal birds didn't talk like a human, right? No, he must be dead already, it was an angel taking him to heaven. He couldn't say he ever believed in that, but there was no other explanation.

However, he did stop struggling.

He glanced down, only to see whatever was carrying him drop him on one of the highest branches of a large, towering pine tree. He clung to it for his life, feeling the entire tree shift as whatever had carried him landed on a higher branch.

He squeaked out a protest as the treetop leaned sideways. He heard a low chuckle.

Glancing upwards, Antonio saw something that made his jaw drop. A tan man, looking about Antonio's age, sat on the top branch. He had yellow-green eyes, and his dark brown hair was neatly combed to the side, but a single strand seemed to be trying to escape the rest, curling over to the side.

But that wasn't the part that made Antonio gape, no, it was the pair of huge, caramel-brown feathered wings that rested on the man's back. Their feathers flowed with the wind, slightly ruffled from the recent flight.

"What, haven't seen anyone like me before?" The man sneered, almost mockingly, crossing his arms and leaning down to inspect Antonio.

Antonio blinked, and shook his head, about to respond before he was beaten to it.

"Well I don't know what the hell brought an idiota here like you, but if you try to get anywhere near my family I swear I will make pasta out of you."

Antonio blinked once more, before finally comprehending the words. He felt a smile creep up onto his face and waved a thumbs-up at the man. "Sure thing, I'm sure this is all just my imagination anyways!"

The man grumbled and stood, spreading his wings. "Believe whatever you want bastardo," he scowled.

He bent over to pick up Antonio again, but Antonio temporarily stopped him to hold out his hand. The man flinched backwards like it was going to burn him.

"Antonio Carriedo," he stated, flashing a smile.

The winged man shifted, looking out over the horizon briefly before back down to Antonio, looking annoyed. Finally, he extended his own slender arm and shook Antonio's hand hesitantly. "Lovino Vargas."

Antonio barely had time to nod before he was enveloped in the shadow of Lovino's caramel brown wings and put safely on the ground. He turned to wave goodbye, but Lovino was already gone.

Hope you guys enjoyed this! Sorry for the shortness of the chapter, but I've had this story previously planned out (a surprise on my own accord) and decided that I'd stick with it. Plus, it'd make the chapters more bearable to write at once and edit.

Thanks for reading! 🌹

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