🌹Chapter 8🌹

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Okay, so not good. I had this entire chapter planned out, written, and edited here and Wattpad deleted it. I am so sorry for the delay.

Despite this and the wait, here it is. And before you go on I'd just like to say; uhm... WHAT THE HECKAROODLES?!

I have writer's block for not even a full three weeks, and I turn around to my story with 57 reads to find we have BLASTED past that to 178 reads! What the heck???

I love you guys beyond words. I know this seems like nothing much to most readers, but this is SO BIG for me!

*googles how to give someone you don't know a virtual hug*

Thank you guys so much for the comments and votes and reads. It really makes my day!

Antonio blinked his eyes open slowly, immediately squeezing them shut again when bright sunlight met his gaze. Taking a moment to yawn and stretch, Antonio rubbed the small tears from the corners of his eyes and sat up with a smile.

This was the first time since Lovino had began staying with him that Antonio hadn't been rudely woken up by the winged man.

Speaking of him, where was Lovino?

Antonio swung his legs off the side of the bed and hopped up to his feet, looking out the window in his room to see the sun shining brightly.

He turned to his door and almost immediately crashed into Lovino, who stood in the doorway.

"Lovi? What-," Antonio was cut off by Lovino.

"You got any wine?" Lovino snapped, holding what looked like a small square of bread to his mouth as he asked. He popped it in his mouth, sending an unnecessary glare to Antonio for absolutely no reason.

Antonio, taken a bit back by the sudden and odd question, took a moment to respond. "Uhm, no? Why would you need wine?"

Lovino scowled at Antonio before turning, talking around the food still in his mouth. "Breakfast. I was making what Grandpa used to make my brother and I."

Antonio followed Lovino out into the kitchen, eyebrows pinched just slightly as he tried to imagine what breakfast with wine would look like.

Lovino turned to the counter and took a plate in his hands, turning to hold it out for Antonio. A pile of slightly toasted squares of bread sat in a neat pile, and Antonio took one in his fingers, inspecting it before throwing it into his mouth.

"Pretty good," Antonio hummed to himself, going for another. Lovino frowned.

"Better dipped in wine. Which you don't have."

Antonio frowned at Lovino's bitter tone. "I'm sorry, how was I supposed to know to have a stash of wine?"

Lovino sighed and pressed the plate into Antonio's hands. Antonio took it and watched as Lovino made his way to the front door.

"It's fine," he mumbled.

Woah woah woah, I'm sorry was that Lovino being nice to Antonio?

Antonio only nodded dumbly, watching as Lovino opened the door. "Where are you going?"

"Outside to get some tomatoes. I want toast," the man was immediately back to scowling. Antonio nodded, and turned back to the counter as Lovino shut the door behind him.

Antonio pulled a plate for himself out of the cabinet and began to place a few of the bread squares on it, when he heard a loud crash from outside.

Antonio was a bit startled, but settled on the fact that Lovino had probably just kicked over a metal bucket or something of the sort.

However he still found himself hurrying to check outside anyway. Closing the door behind him, he began to walk around the house.

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