🌹Chapter 9🌹

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I know this is hardly the place for such things, but there's absolutely no way I couldn't do something.

On April 16th, Steve Cash took his own life. He was a YouTuber that ran the channel Talking Kitty Cat, and I have been watching his videos since 2011. There were days that my sister and friends would sit and binge his videos all day, and they always brought me such happiness.

His death broke my heart, so I did a speedpaint in tribute to him.

You can see it above, though it is obviously not necessary to the story.

From left to right, the cats are; Gibbyson, Gibson, Sylvester, Random Kitty, and GG

So onto the story....

Two updates in one day to make up for the hiatus! I woke up this morning to find that the chapter I posted last night has EXPLODED and now we have over 205 reads.

Best thing to wake up to ever. I love you guys so much!

Here we get to meet some new characters ( some of my favorites), and some previously mentioned characters as well.

Antonio, Gilbert, and Francis had barely stepped farther than the bridge when a black shadow leaped at them from the trees.

Taken off guard, whatever the creature was barreled into Antonio and sent him to the ground. For a brief second, the creature paused, and Antonio looked up to see the face of a woman (man?) staring down at him.

Its dark hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail, and eyes of molten gold glared back at his. She/he looked to be Asian, and had a very delicately built frame. Large, neatly folded wings of jet black feathers perched on her back.

Before Antonio could ask who she was, or if she could help find Lovino, it quickly turned and leaped away from Antonio. Antonio had just enough time to sit up when Francis came flying his way, having been practically thrown through the air by the winged creature.

Gilbert shrieked as she came at him as well. He tried to fend her away with feeble swings at the air, all of which made him look like a chicken desperately trying to flap away. He too was taken down when the winged woman bent low and swept her legs out in front of her, knocking Gilbert's feet from under him.

Gilbert landed with a thud, and the winged woman looked murderous. Antonio stood and and ran over to stand in front of Gilbert.

"Hey, lady," Antonio began, but was abruptly cut off by a yell of indignation from the woman.

"I am not a woman, aru!" Antonio was a bit shocked at the voice, most definitely a man's, that came from the feminine figure's mouth.

The winged man's wings bristled in anger, and he seemed ready to throw another kick.

"We don't mean any harm," Antonio quickly stated, holding his arms out to further emphasize the point.

"But we are in a hurry. Hunters came by and took Lovino, and we need your help to-," Antonio was cut off yet again, and was suddenly being held by the throat in the man's small hand.

"What did you do to him? Where is he?" The man demanded. His amber eyes flecked with gold glinted threateningly. If Antonio weren't already in love with someone else, he would've said that the winged man looked pretty good. He felt obligated on Lovino's part to refrain from saying anything, and also felt that if he did say that to this man's face he'd have his head taken off. Also, he was kind of losing air and really needed to consider trying to get away.

Antonio struggled to pull away from the man. "We don't know! That's why we need your help!"

"And how do I know you aren't lying?" The man inquired, gold eyes narrowed to slits.

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