🌹Chapter 3🌹

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Goodness, I am so sorry! Kinda forgot to update the next chapter, yeah? Hehe... well here you go!

Antonio peeked over the edge of the large bush he was hiding behind, hearing something struggle on the ground.

His eyes widened at what he saw. A huge pair of wings thrashed around, and Antonio could see that the large caramel brown-feathered limbs were seemingly caught up in some type of net that was weighed down by large metal spikes on the sides.

He heard agitated grunts, and he narrowed his eyes. Looking closer, one of the large wings looked a bit mangled, jutting out in the opposite direction that the other did.

Antonio stood, ready to go free whatever poor creature had gotten caught up in the trap. He immediately stopped though, as he heard two voices come from the opposite end of the clearing. Crouching back down, Antonio watched as two men dressed in black jackets and sweatpants entered the scene.

It wasn't hard to hear them; they weren't quiet, and the only other noise at this time of night was the soft songs of crickets.

"Look who we've finally caught!" One of the men exclaimed. He stepped forward, walking around to the front of the struggling mass of feathers and net.

The man bent down, picking up a... human chin?

"Back off, you piece of shit." A sharp, pained growl came from the creature caught in the net. He ripped his head out of the grasp of the man in front of him.

Antonio recognized that voice. But from where?

He searched his mind, almost stumbling as the memory came crashing back to him.

Lovino Vargas, the winged man he'd met three years ago when he had apparently ventured too far into the forest. Guess it wasn't a dream after all.

Antonio tensed, watching as the second man came up behind Lovino, grabbing onto his wings. Lovino scowled, beginning to thrash more.

"Let go of me, you bastard!"

Antonio fished around in his pockets, hoping that he had some type of weapon on him. Finally, his hand caught a pocket knife that he had thankfully brought with him to the bar.

Turning his attention back up to the scene unfolding before him, Antonio heard the first man whisper something to Lovino. Seeing Lovino's reaction, it probably wasn't something good.

Lovino pushed himself up with his hands, his right wing (the normal-looking one) jutting out and nailing the man holding his injured wing in the face. The man shouted and grabbed hold of that wing, twisting the injured one.

Lovino paused, his hands clenching into fists in the mud below him as he yelled out in pain. The first man stood, looking at his partner.

"Take care if him quickly, why don't you? We don't need anyone finding us."

The second man nodded and brought forth a large knife from a sheath at his side. He carefully brought it down to the base of Lovino's wings, and pressed it to the skin.

Lovino stopped his struggling, now trying to desperately pull away from the cold steel now pressing into his back.

Antonio had seen enough.

He leaped from the bushes, at the first man who had his back to him. Antonio kicked his legs out from beneath him, stepping back as he readied his fists. The man rolled over, handgun aiming directly at his face.

Ducking just in time, Antonio heard a loud bang and heard the bullet zipping past his ear and into the trees behind him.

Opening his eyes, Antonio saw the man standing, aiming another shot at him. He kicked his foot out, successfully dislodging the gun from the man's hands, and throwing it to the side of the clearing.

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