🌹Chapter 15🌹

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Here it is, our final chapter. Don't be too sad though; Press Start is now out and in progress.

Once again and for the last time in this book, I want to thank all of you for even thinking to click on my little story.

Like, thanks. A lot. I don't know how to express it better other than telling you that I am really eternally grateful to everyone who reads this.

I don't know what I'd be doing with my life right now if it weren't for being able to spend time on this story. Writing this, I've learned so much about characters and writing good stories.


Lovino and Antonio were finally reunited, and everyone got back together. Antonio built onto his house, Lovino made up with his Grandpa, and the collectors had been sent to prison.

It was happy ever after.

Hold up, did you think I was going to end the story just like that? There's so much shit that had to be fixed. This is Lovino Vargas you're hearing from, did you seriously expect a curt ending?

In the time after the whole Collector's ordeal, many things happened.

Lovino and Romulus had made up.

Lovino sighed and glanced up from the television as his Grandpa entered the living room. The two were alone.

"I know I've already told you," Romulus began. "But I just wanted to say I was sorry again."

Lovino rolled his eyes, focusing on the screen again. "So I've heard."

"And I wanted to say," Romulus hurriedly continued. "That I don't expect you to ever forgive me."

This caught Lovino's attention, and he glanced up again. Romulus continued.

"When you went missing, it really scared me," he said quietly. "I was so scared you'd been killed. I spent all day flying and searching for you."

"I sent everyone I knew out at once to scout, but I'd given them orders to keep away from the human town because I was sure that you were somewhere else."

"When Yao brought Antonio and his friends saying that they might know where you were, I was ecstatic," he continued. "It's kind of as the saying goes I guess; you never know how much you love someone until you lose them."

Romulus finished with an awkward chuckle, turning to walk away. Lovino quickly stood up.

Romulus froze as Lovino embraced him.

"I missed you too, Grandpa," he mumbled. "A lot."

Feliciano had finally found his brother again.

As soon as Lovino had set foot in his house again, a flurry of red-brown hair and feathers crashed into him.

"Lovi!" Feliciano shrieked as they hit the floor. Feliciano wrapped Lovino in a hug. "You're back!"

Lovino blinked before hugging his twin back. "Yeah I'm back."

Lovino couldn't say he was surprised when he saw tears running down Feli's face. His younger twin was quite emotional.

"I missed you so much!" Feliciano cried. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I made you want to leave!"

Lovino shushed his brother with a not-so-gentle hand across his mouth. "You weren't the reason I wanted to leave Feli," he quickly reassured. "I was just being a hothead and threw a tantrum."

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