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Miia, Jim, and Harvey found out that the bus that was supposed to drive the kids to the Alpenia Youth Corrections Facility was stolen. Meaning all the children on that bus were kidnapped by the snatchers. She was pissed beyond belief, so she was glad to let some of that anger out on Quillan with Harvey.

Harvey punched the man in the cell while the Gordons stayed back and watch. "I told you everything I know," Quillan's voice quake. "I told you."

Harvey pointed at Jim. "You see that man there?" he screamed. "He doesn't like it when I beat people. But for you, no objection. Why is that?"

"Because this guy's a scumbag," Miia responded with so much venom in her voice. "His life over 30 children. It's not that hard to figure out which one we'll choose."

"So I can beat you like a bongo drum, and St. Jim here won't intervene." Harvey pointed at Miia. "And she's more than happy to back me up, but don't feel fool by a pretty face. She's basically the devil in disguise."

"You better give us something," Miia said. She pulled out her gun and cocked it before pointing it at Quillan's 'friend.' "Or I'll start shooting."

"That's not loaded, is it?" Jim asked.

"It is. But only one bullet. So this guy better tell us something or..." Miia pulled the trigger. Quillan jumped in his seat in fear of his jewels being blasted. But the faint sound of the gun clicking made him sigh in relief. "Ooh, it wasn't in that one."

"Maybe you should try again?" Harvey suggested. Miia didn't waste time and pulled the trigger again, only for the gun to click.

"Ok. Ok!" Quillan yelled in fear. "The truck. When they came to pick up the last bunch of kids. On the side of it, there was a picture, like a logo. I - I didn't wanna say before because it'll give a bad impression. It doesn't reflect really -"

"What was it?" Jim asked, not really in a patient mood.

"There's a blue plate and a silver fork."

"Plate and a fork?" Harvey repeated.

"Yeah. You know, like..." Quillan began motioning his hands like a plate and he's eating from it.

"Like a catering company?" Miia asked.

"Like that, I mean - You know, but - I mean, that doesn't mean..."

"Doesn't mean what?" Jim asked with a bit of irritation.

"Look, I don't know what they do to them." Harvey grabbed the gun from Miia and triggered it. It let out a click but the bullet didn't come out. Quillan still covered his jewels and yelled. "Ah!"

Jim pulled Harvey back and grabbed the gun. "Hey. Hey. Hey," he said. "All right." He held up a small notepad. "Draw the logo." He looked at Miia. "Uncuff him."

Harvey nodded before he began uncuffing Quillan. Jim went to pull the bullets out of the gun but let out a sigh as he showed Miia the empty gun. "There are no bullets in here."

Miia grinned at him. "Oops."


Miia, Jim, and Harvey were calling every catering company to see if they had that logo Quillian drew for them. Miia was getting annoyed each passing second when another manager told her that they didn't have such a logo.

"All right, thanks," Jim said on the phone before hanging up. "Nothing. You guys?" Harvey shook his head while Miia banged her head against the table. "Apparently, there are no companies in Gotham with trucks with a plate and a fork as their logo."

"Selling children for food," Harvey suggested. "Is such a thing even possible?"

"Or they could be human trafficking," Miia commented. She looked up at her partners. "People paying big bucks to have children as their slaves."

"We've got officers searching all the trucks on every bridge and tunnel," Essen told them. Jim kept tapping the notepad that had Quillian's drawing. "But they had a three-hour window. We can only pray they stayed in the city. If not, they can be any place on earth by nightfall."

"Scum-sucking toads. Where are they?" Harvey wondered.

"We could try all the abandoned places," Miia suggested. "It's a busload of children, they go somewhere public without anyone noticing them."

Jim realized something and tapped on the table. "It's not a blue plate. It' not a fork either. It's a trident," he rushed out as he got up.

Harvey grabbed his hat while Miia grabbed her jacket before following Jim out of the precinct.


The only logo that had a trident on it was the Trident Intercontinental Shipping. It was not that far from the precinct, so the Gordons and Harvey rushed over. They went their separate ways. Miia heard a loud bang from around the corner and rushed towards it. One of the kidnappers shot one of her helpers in the middle of his forehead before stepping over him. The other helper looked down at the body and shook his head with a sigh. Miia snuck around the crates, making sure the guy hasn't seen her.

She snuck behind another crate as the guy started to walk. She crept up behind the guy before she pulled him by the shoulder and sucker-punched him. When the guy fell on the ground, Miia didn't waste enough time pulling her gun out and cocking it.

"The kids, where are they?" she asked.

The guy held his hands up but didn't say anything. Miia growled before she hauled the man up and slammed him against the wall. She had one hand on his shoulder while the other held the gun near his head.

"Where are they?!" she yelled. Miia cocked her gun again. Her mind went elsewhere. She had a vague memory of holding another man in the exact same position. The man was a stubborn son of a bitch that didn't listen to her, so she pulled the trigger.

"Miia!" she heard her brother yell at her. Miia snapped back to reality when Jim and Harvey entered the room. They each had their own kidnapper handcuffed near them. Harvey went over and yanked the man away from Miia and grabbed her cuffs before cuffing him.

Miia shook her head and went over to Jim. "Sorry," she mumbled. Jim just sighed before he went over and freed the kids.

Miia couldn't believe she almost pulled the trigger on the man. She didn't want to go back to her old life. It was the last thing she wanted to do. She didn't her past to come haunt her and she doesn't want Jim to find out. She knows he wouldn't like at her the same way if he knew. That's why he can't know her secret.


A/N: I think I already said what it was in one of the chapters but if I didn't...Guess the secret.

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