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(Y/N) Pov: 

Me and Striker ran down the hallway, dodging ink monsters that would pop out of some puddles of ink, trying to attack us. 

We eventually came to a stop, breathing hard as I caught my breath. 

I still had the axe in hand, leaning against the wall. 

“Wow! THA' was fun!” said Striker, pumping his mechanical fist in the air, smiling cheerfully. 

I glared at him, my expression deadpanned. 

He saw the look on my face and frowned, looking up at me in confusion. 

“Wha’?” he asked, shrugging. 

“What? WHAT!? WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ABOUT? How the FUCK was that FUN?” I yelled angrily, glaring. 

“You didn’ find 'ha' fun? We jus' ran away from Sammy Lawrence befo’ 'e could sacrifice you 'o 'he Ink Demon. I 'aven’ 'ha' much fun since...well....since befo’ all 'his” said Striker, looking down at the ground sadly, as if he remembered something. 

I was a little confused, but I rolled my eyes and scoffed. 

“Whatever you say. Now, you know this place right? Think you could lead me to the exit so I could get the hell out of here?” I asked, crossing my arms and looking around. 

Ahead of us, there was a large room that was completely covered in ink. 

“Well, yes, i''s 'rue I've lived down 'ere fo’ years, bu' I don’' know where 'he exi' is, o’ 'ow 'o even ge' ou'” admitted Striker. 

I groaned in anger, aggravated with the situation I was now stuck in. 

I glanced up and saw the large room covered in ink. 

I sighed and began walking forward. There was another hallway on the other side of the room, and it looked like a stairwell, considering there was a picture of stairs on the door. 

Striker noticed me walking away, looking nervous. 

“Uhh...I wouldn' go 'hrough 'ha' room, if I were you. Da Ink Demon-” he started saying, but I scoffed. 

“What, is he gonna pop out the ink and try to kill me?” I asked sarcastically as I walked over to the room. 

Just as Striker was about to answer, we both jumped in fright when the Ink Demon, popped out of the ink, screeching in anger. 

“Ok, Ink Demon popping out of the ink just like you said” I said meekly, frozen in shock and fear. 

Striker growled in anger, debating whether he should attack the Ink Demon or not. 

He shook his head, deciding not to.

If he did, he would surely die instantly. Bendy is too strong to beat alone. Sure, Striker can run fast, and he has long-range attacks with the help of his mechanical arm, but he stood no chance against the Ink Demon. 

Striker thought fast and grabbed my hand, leading me back down the hallway we came from as Bendy chased after us. 

The spider-like ink monster grabbed the axe from my hand and broke the knob off of a door with one swing.

The door swung open, allowing us to quickly enter before shutting it behind us. 

As I held the door closed, keeping the Ink Demon from busting through, Striker spotted a large bookshelf beside the door. 

He quickly climbed up and propped his back against the wall before pushing the bookshelf with his feet. 

Seeing this from the corner of my eye, I gasped and jumped back, just in time as the bookshelf slammed down on the floor directly in front of the door, blocking it off. 

BATIM ~Striker and female reader~ REMAKE Where stories live. Discover now