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*Flashback Start*

A female spider toon ducked into the alleyway, the sun slowly setting over the horizon, setting a dark shadow in the areas between the buildings. The yellows and oranges mixed in the sky, combined with a couple of stray clouds, a slight breeze blowing.

Breathing hard, the female spider toon climbed down into the alleyway, using a long string of web, having been running along the rooftops to try and escape her pursuers.

In her arms, she carried a small bundle, an infant wrapped in a light blue blanket.

She quickly looked around, hearing the three cat toons approaching quickly, having climbed up onto the rooftops to chase her, one of them with a knife in hand. 

Spotting a box hidden partially behind a dumpster, she quickly dashed over to it, opening it to see it was clean enough. 

She felt some tears in her eyes as she quickly gave one last kiss to her child on the forehead before placing him gently inside. 

“’s alright. Everything will be alright...just stay silent, ok sweety? Mommy will come back for you. I just need to lose those three cat toons, ok?” said the mother spider silently, trying not to sob. 

The baby had been dozing off, cuddling within the blanket, unaware of the danger he and his mother were in. 

The mother spider smiled gently as she closed the lid of the box, leaving it partially open. 

She turned and silently made her way to the exit, peeking out to see if the coast was clear. 

The dock was nearby. If she could lead her three pursuers away from the alleyway and lose them in the construction site just a few blocks down, she’d be able to come back and retrieve her child so they could go home. 

It was only a few days ago she gave birth to her son. She lost her husband just a few months back, after he was murdered coming home from a long day working at a construction site. She had just been released from the hospital, on her way home with her newborn child when she was ambushed by those three cat toons. 

Looking up and down the street, she could see several parked automobiles on the side of the road.

Seeing no sign of the three cats, she thought that maybe she had lost them. 

She turned and walked back down the alley, going to retrieve her son. 

She halted in her tracks when the leader of the three cats jumped down from the roof, landing in front of her. 

“Where do you think you’re going, ma’am?” snickered the leader, his arms crossed. 

The mother gasped and turned, about to run out of the alley, but was stopped by the other two who had also jumped down from the roof tops above her, grabbing hold of both her arms, restraining her.

“Please, just let me go! I did nothing wrong!” said the mother, struggling. 

“No chance, freak. We hate pests, such as bugs, more specifically spiders. We’re just helping this city by exterminating them” said the tall cat, taking out a butterfly knife and twirling it between his fingers.

The mother spider gulped, feeling her eyes tear up. She could only hope that her scream would catch the attention of someone nearby, hoping someone would find her son.


It was sometime in the 1930’s, and it was a beautiful day outside. Many toons were just enjoying the last few hours of the day as the sun began to set. 

BATIM ~Striker and female reader~ REMAKE Where stories live. Discover now