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With Henry: 

The bearded man woke up slowly, groaning in pain. 

He sat up quickly and looked around, seeing he was in a cell-like room, trapped behind bars. 

Standing up, having been laying on a bed that was pushed against a wall, he walked over to the bars, hearing someone humming a familiar tune. 

It was the old Bendy Cartoon theme song. 

Henry could still recognize the little tune being from the cartoon he used to animate. 

Looking out through the bars, he saw a second Alice Angel, the same Alice Angel that he nearly shot. She was humming the little tune while painting something on the wall, her back turned to Henry. 

“Hey, who the Hell are you? And why am I trapped behind bars?” asked Henry angrily, glaring at the Alice Angel look-alike. 

The Alice Angel gasped and turned around, startled. 

“Oh, you’re awake. You were about to shoot me with your gun, but Tom knocked you out before you could. We brought you back here to ask you some questions” said the Alice look-alike, walking over and standing just a few feet away from the cell. 

“Ok, so you’re a second Alice Angel, sort of like Twisted Alice” said Henry, resting his arms on the wooden planks that were nailed to the bars, shrugging and leaning against them with a blank look on his face. 

The Alice Angel look-alike scowled and shook her head. 

“I’m not Alice, and I’m no Angel. My name is Allison” said the Alice look-alike, crossing her arms and frowning. 

Henry was a little shocked. 

“Allison Pendle, right?” he asked, remembering the name. 

Allison nodded. 

“Yes, but It’s Allison Conner now. Me and Thomas Conner got married. But you remember me?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. 

Henry nodded. He was shocked to hear Allison and Thomas got married.

“Yes, I remember you. I'm Henry Stein, and old animator for the show. You were the new voice actor for Alice Angel, replacing Susie Campbelle. Sammy told me Susie had turned into Twisted Alice, and how Norman is ‘The Projectionist’. I also killed Bertrum, who was an Octopus ride in Bendy Land. He told me about you, and another guy named Tom. Say, when DID you and Thomas get married anyway?” asked Henry, smirking a bit. 

Allison scowled. 

“We got married around 1952, if I remember. And as for Sammy Lawrence, he’s a crazy man who should have died long ago. I suggest you stay away from him” said Allison, crossing her arms. 

Henry frowned. 

“Sammy is my friend. I promised him we would get out of this studio together, but he was dragged into an abyss just past the Archives. I don’t even know if he’s dead, or still alive. That’s why I’m going to find the Ink Demon, and I’m going to kill him, for everything he did to you all” said Henry, glaring at Allison. 

“Oh….I’m sorry to hear. You say you’re going to kill the Ink Demon, correct?” asked Allison, now feeling bad. 

Henry nodded. 

“Yes, but I’m also trying to look for the owner of this bag. It belongs to a girl that also got trapped down here. Sammy tried to sacrifice her to the Ink Demon, but he got attacked by Bendy instead. She must have escaped somehow, considering she was tied pretty tightly to a wooden beam” said Henry, frowning as he picked up the bag that was leaning against the wall beside the bed. 

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