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(Y/N) Pov: 

We exited the elevator and found ourselves in a large room. 

Taking a few steps, we could see the entire floor below us covered in ink. There were multiple ink pipes located on the ceiling that had burst, ink dripping down in waterfalls. In the center, there was a giant statue of Bendy, only he didn’t look like the Ink Demon that nearly killed us. 

“ then, where do we go from here?” I asked, looking down at Charley. 

“There’s a small passageway that goes down to the archives. After passing through the archives, we’ll end up in Bendy Land. Barley is down there, although we have to be careful, considering you’re not one of us. The clones are located deeper in the studio. Twisted Alice made them. Me, Barley, and Edgar-” explained Charley, but Striker glared, growling in anger. 

“I'’s S'riker, you idio'” said Striker, clenching his mechanical fist. 

“Right, Striker” said Charley with disdain, as if he didn’t want to call Striker by his new name. 

Striker just crossed his arms and nodded, looking away. 

“As I was saying, the three of us look like those clones, so we’re able to go around with no problem, just as long as we act like them. But you, you’re going to have to disguise yourself” said Charley, picking up a glob of ink that was on the ground. 

“Disguise myself? How do I-?” I began asking, but Charley threw the glob of ink at my face. 

I screamed as I tried wiping the ink from my face, trying not to get it in my mouth and eyes. It was in my hair as well. 

“What the fuck was THAT for?” I asked the animalistic Butcher Gang member, glaring. 

“Yah! Wha''s 'he big deal, Charlie?” said Striker angrily, looking as if he wanted to punch the other gang member in the face. 


“If you want to get past those clones undetected, you’re going to have to disguise yourself as a Lost One” said Charley, picking up another glob of ink and climbing up onto the railing, standing up. 

He wobbled around, regaining his balance before rubbing the ink into my hair. 

“Hey! Is this stuff even going to wash out at least?” I asked, trying to hit his hand away from my hair. 

“Probably not. Hey, could you stand over there?” asked Charley, pointing a few feet behind me. 

“Over here?” I asked, standing where he told me to. 

“A little to the left” he said, looking up. 

I moved over to the left slightly, my arms crossed. 

“Ok, so what-?” I began asking, but was interrupted when Charley picked up an old hammer and threw it at whatever was above me. 

I looked up just in time to see the hammer hit an old pipe that looked like it would burst at any moment. 

The pointy end of the hammer hit the pipe, causing it to shatter, ink spilling out quickly. 

I screamed as I tried to shield myself, the ink covering me completely. 

I gagged as I tried rubbing the ink off of my arms. 

“Ew, ew, ew ew, ew. I’m covered in ink like that crazy cult man” I said. Lucky, none of the ink managed to get in my mouth and eyes. 

“Perfect! Now you just have to pretend to be lost with a longing gaze in your eyes and you’ll make a perfect Lost One” said Charley, smiling. 

BATIM ~Striker and female reader~ REMAKE Where stories live. Discover now