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(Y/N) Pov: 

The three of us screamed as we continued to slide down the laundry-like chute. 

“Oh shoot, Jiminy Cricket, Bull Hockey, Great Caesar's Ghost, shoot, fudge, goodness to Betsy, holy cow, Jiminy Cricket, gosh darnit, son of a gun, golly gee!” said Charley quickly, panicking.

We eventually made it to the end of the slide-like chute, falling onto the floor. 

Groaning in pain, I sat up, rubbing my head. 

Looking around, we had fallen into what looked like a library. 

In the center, there was a similar statue of Bendy as the one we saw just a few minutes ago. There were also multiple ink covered statues all in different poses, standing around the Bendy statue. 

One was dabbing, another was T-posing, another was pretending to hold a skull and standing in a Shakespearean pose, another was doing ‘The Floss’, another was doing the Micheal Jackson, and the last one was doing a sad attempt at being a punk hipster. 

Above the centerpiece, there was a large banner saying ‘He Will Set Us Free’, written in ink. 

Probably that weird ink covered cult man’s doing.

Sammy Lawrence I think his name was? 

I shook my head and stood up, dusting myself off. 

Most of the ink that I had been covered in had come off during the slide down. 

My clothes were still drenched, and my hair was slightly tangled and dripping with it, but at least I wasn’t as bad as Sammy Lawrence was. 

My gaze then shifted to the two gang members. 

Striker was also dusting himself off, making sure his mechanical arm was still functional.

Charley was wobbling slightly, trying to regain his balance, considering he had a plunger for a leg. 

Once Charley was sure he wouldn’t fall over, he looked around, smiling and nodding. 

“Looks like I was right. That passageway DID lead to the Archives. Glad we didn't end up in the sewers” said Charley, resting his hand on his hip. 

Striker just rolled his eyes and shook his head. 

“Alrigh', we're in 'he archives. Wha' now?” asked Striker, crossing his arms. 

“Good question. We go down this hall and it should lead us straight to Bendy Land. I just hope Barley is still there, considering I HAD been gone for a while. I hope he didn’t come looking for me…” said Charley, muttering the last part. 

“Oh fo’ 'he love of-Iou be''er 'ope 'e's down 'here aw I'll rip off you las' remanin arm an' shove so far down your 'hroa', you'll end up-” started Striker, glaring daggers at Charley, but I stepped in the way, stopping him from finishing his sentence. 

“Hey! There’s no need to start a fight. Charley, you’re still technically the leader of the Butcher Gang, so if you told Barley to stay put, then he would have listened, right?” I asked, turning my gaze to Charley. Striker just glared and crossed his arms, clearly displeased.

“Hmm...yes, technically you’re right, but this is Barely we’re talking about. Even before we became this, he was always ignorant and aggressive towards anyone, even us. He’s tough, yet slow-witted too. His personality sure didn’t change when we became this!” explained Charley, looking up at me. 

Striker scoffed, walked away from me and Charley. 

“Yah, some 'hings never change, bu' unlike you an' Barley, I 'ave” said striker angrily, glaring at the other gang member as he walked down the hallway we needed to go down. 

BATIM ~Striker and female reader~ REMAKE Where stories live. Discover now