Matryo's Update -February 14, 2015-

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First of, let me tell you something about this story.

It has a thousand reads. I just. I can't.
I cannot. I really cannot!
I mean there are probably books out there with digits far mar than a thousand, hundred thousand, hell, even a million!

But to find myself with something that I'm proud of and love dearly to be something that people LOOK at, I'm genuinely amazed! Thank you!

What do I want to happen with this book? I want it to become my learning experience. I want it to become something that I use in order to feel and know who the Hetalia Characters are. I want to know what it feels like to write a character for myself. I want to learn. I want to find out. I want to create.

And that's what I did.

For one of my first ever Hetalia Fanfiction that I've wrote in YEARS OF FANDOM SHUT DOWN, I am proud. I am allowed to be proud. No one's telling me not to be happy.

I want to end this message with two words: thank you.

Thank you for coming with me along Katie's journey with the Hetalia cast. Through all the tears and screams she's gone through. Thank you.

This isn't going to be the end of the book, I'm not stopping it on such a blank note. This is the start.

This is the start of a much, much darker side of the story.

Are you ready?

You better be.


Alright! Now that we've got that out the way, I just want to address a couple of issues regarding this story. If you've got more questions, feel free to clog my askbox up on fanfictions-and-oreos :3

Regarding my utmost lack of freaking updates, it's because, like I've stated in my previous chapter, I don't have a plausible keyboard. My grades aren't exactly doing that well, don't get me wrong, it's above average, but I feel that it would be in need of improvement.

What happened?

My computer has been limited to just Weekends.

"But Matryo, you can update for 2 days. What's stopping you?"

There's only two reasons there. The lack of idea, or the lack of motivation. Sometimes, I have an amazing scene ready to write, but once I come face-to-face with the computer, I just can't type a single sentence.

Sometimes, I just can't be bothered.


Anyway, so yeah.
Also, it's Valentines Day! Happy Forever Alone Independence Day! I hope you finally leave the cave that is your bedroom and get a date! I don't have any, so what do I have to make me speak with such Authoritah~ But yeah.

Feb 14.

It sends shivers down my spine.

TL&DR: No autocorrect, no computer, Writers block in general and thank you for a thousand reads!

Oh yeah, can someone tell me if it notifies people whenever I edit a chapter but not publish a whole new one, because I don't want my story to be clogged up with a million A/Ns. Thank you :3

This is Matryo Nihon, Signing out.

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