"i can't fucking believe we're actually going to this", yoongi muttered under his breath as he chucked on the button up shirt, staring at his reflection in jungkook's mirror while the latter finished drying his hair post-shower with his bathrobe half tied around his body.
tight black slacks stuck to his legs like glue and his hands played with the silver hoops dangling on his ears. jungkook felt so dressed up, even though he didn't have a shirt on yet, and he couldn't decide if he liked the way he looked or not.
"why? she's been engaged since forever ", the younger shrugged, searching around for the black button up that taehyung wanted him to wear. a tiny smile grew on his face when he saw the shirt hanging on the doorknob of his bedroom.
"no, i mean i can't believe that we're going to your ex girlfriend's engagement party where you have to hang out with your fake boyfriend so that everyone can think you're his real boyfriend", the pale boy smirked in retaliation, so the younger walked over and messed up the curled hair that he spent long doing, getting a slap on the back of the head in return.
"well when you phrase it like that, it definitely sounds weird", jungkook muttered, finally taking his robe off to quickly put on the shirt. it still smelt faintly of the fresh candles that taehyung lit in his apartment mixed with his cologne, which he found odd.
"it is weird", the older scoffed, "we were supposed to skip this stupid thing, get drunk together, order takeout and find some desperate randoms on tinder for some temporary relief, remember"? jungkook wrinkled his nose at his old plans he made with yoongi back when the engagement was first announced.
he was so bitter that day, bitter that jisoo found someone before he did, bitter that he was still single and aimlessly fucking around.
"by the way hyung, i think you should borrow some of this", jungkook tossed the older some concealer, hinting at the rather large wine colored mark that decorated the side of his pale neck. yoongi blushed before turning around to apply the product around the dark hickey.
"hobi has no control over himself, jesus", he mumbled while jungkook checked his phone for any updates about jae. the little one was currently with jisoo's parents as they got ready for the event, they wanted to spend time with their grandson. they were texting him every now and then with pictures or updates, both parents still had fondness for jungkook for some odd reason.
"i still say we grab our mans and ditch this shit maknae", jungkook shook his head, "come on, i doubt you wanna make small talk with people who don't even know you exist", yoongi flopped on the bed, waiting for the younger to finish primping himself in the mirror.
skipping the party to drink, eat greasy food and search for a one night stand with yoongi would sound appealing to jungkook, but knew that he'd disappoint way too many people if he didn't go and he couldn't live with that nagging him in the back of his head.
"i don't but i promised jisoo and taehyung. just think of this as a chance to do nothing with hoseok hyung and eat fancy food for free, doesn't that sound appealing"? pieces of jungkook's growing hair began to curl slightly at the bottom and he suddenly realized that he looked like a 17 year old e-boy going to his first high school dance.
i mean... i don't hate it.
"i can hang out with my boyfriend without the presence of choi jisoo. or i guess park jisoo soon". at that point, jungkook gave up on arguing with the older, mostly cause he was over it but also because he had to process that this was actually happening. it finally hit him when he heard the change in jisoo's name that she was getting married soon.

single; taekook
Fanfictionwhere jungkook is a single dad and taehyung's lonely. hi this is my first fic ever so it sucks. just a brief warning i am sorry. warning: mature themes.