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this weekend was going to be a mess, taehyung could feel it. 

it was jisoo and jimin's anniversary, to celebrate however many years together, and they decided to invite everyone over for dinner at their place. 

now usually, jisoo would opt for some big, expensive party where she could flaunt jimin around like he was an accessory and show off her figure in an attention grabbing dress just for people to make fun of her  and critique every tiny detail behind her back. 

but this time, jimin was probably the one planning the party. the blonde was so much more chill about these things, he didn't want big parties or fancy gifts, he just wanted to be around the people he loved. 

instead it was a nice dinner with taehyung, hoseok and namjoon. thankfully, they were allowed to bring their boyfriends so jungkook, yoongi hyung and jin hyung were here too. it was better that way, the other three boys made everything a lot less tense. 

especially considering the relationship that the other two boys had with kim seokjin, who was supposed to be their boss. the younger was constantly messing with him, flicking his chin, messing up his hair and squishing his face.  it was even funnier since jin would try to retaliate every chance he got. 

yoongi wouldn't do much but watch over the chaos with a disinterested stare but he tried hard to contain his smile whenever the older's windshield wiper laugh would appear or the younger's bunny teeth would show. jungkook was being a brat all throughout dinner and it was entertaining everyone, except jisoo, who was glaring at the younger every now and then. 

"jungkook please, can we just have a nice, normal dinner"? she pleaded as jin and jungkook made fun of the way that yoongi was eating his lobster. everyone else was laughing and the pale older was even joking around with them but now it was awkward. 

"it's fine honey. we're just having fun", the older nodded while jungkook avoided her gaze like a brat, "how about you get started on the dessert and we go start up the karaoke machine"? jimin suggested with a sweet smile and jisoo got up to leave the table, everyone sighing once she had left.

this is why taehyung could  not even comprehend why jimin likes jisoo so much. the blonde has more things in common with taehyung's dog than her. 

but he kept his feelings inside and concentrated on something other than jisoo or jimin. it was rather easy considering the fact that taehyung was sitting across from jungkook and the younger looked absolutely stunning. 

he let taehyung style him again and the older should deserve an award for how good jungkook is looking right now. his hair was a little curly and wet with product, completing the coveted e-boy aesthetic. the black shirt made his skin look absolutely spotless and his long legs were encased in black skinny jeans, the muscles almost ripping the fabric.  

(a/n: i'm thinking 5th muster jungkook, you know the one)

(a/n: i'm thinking 5th muster jungkook, you know the one)

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