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jungkook wasn't perfect.

he never claimed to be. heck, the raven haired boy thought he was far from it.

when he was in college, things were going great for him. he did well in school, made some great friends, jungkook was living his best life. but one morning, his ex-girlfriend knocked on his door and dropped the biggest bomb that you can drop on somebody.

she was pregnant and it was his kid.

he was shocked, more at the fact that jisoo didn't even tell him that she had his child a year later, but more that he had a kid. a living, breathing thing, that had half of his dna. was he prepared for this at all?

he had no clue.

but when jungkook looked into jaewoo's shiny eyes and saw his trademark wide bunny grin form, the younger didn't even care. jungkook was going to put every single part of him into raising jaewoo, or jae for short.

three years later, jungkook spends 5 days out of the week with jae, the weekend was with his mother, and it was now time to take jae to preschool.

it felt like it was just yesterday he was cleaning up mashed up baby carrots from his wall and learning how to sleep with a child on his chest.

"daddy! wake up, i have to go", jungkook was taken out of his daydream when he felt weight on his lap. his son pouted at him, chubby cheeks that had bits of rice sticking to it. he laughed and wiped the grains away before kissing him on the cheek, making jae squeal and giggle.

"mommys' taking you, remember"? on cue, jisoo walked out of the bathroom, her hair perfectly styled and a nice layer of makeup on her face. she rolled her eyes at jungkook and continue packing jae's backpack even though she told him to do it.

"mommy! let's go", jungkook let the boy run off to his mother, smiling at the sight before adjusting the tie that he absolutely hated wearing. he still had no idea how to tie these fucking things, even though he's watched four billion tutorials.

"okay, no, you still suck at this", jisoo slapped his hands away and started doing the tie herself, grumbling under her breath at how idiotic he was. jungkook muttered a small thanks under his breath, looking everywhere else but at her.

jisoo was easily the hottest girl that jungkook had ever met and when they dated in college, people never seemed to let that go. his friends would often remind him how lucky he was and that she was way wayyy out of his league.

they had a pretty good run together. in fact, their relationship could've lasted longer if jisoo didn't cheat on him with some random frat guy. he ended it after that and then they drunkenly hooked up months later and well, here they are.

jungkook cried about it for days, but he refuses to admit that.

he didn't want to get back with jisoo at all and vice versa. the only reason that they spend more than three hours together is because of jae. she had her own life, a fiance that jungkook didn't mind, and a nice house in the suburbs of seoul.

however, being that jae was starting school for the first time, he practically begged her to stay for the first week to make sure he didn't fuck anything up. and knowing jungkook, jisoo agreed. once jae was at school, jungkook would go to work and jisoo would leave, and throughout the day, she'd spam his phone with instructions about how to deal with jae.

as if jungkook wasn't the one spending the most  time with him.

that was the other thing about jungkook, he was extremely forgetful. he had no trouble remembering stuff for work, like when the next presentation was or how well the company's stocks were doing, but he could never remember important things. like jisoo's birthday or what time jae's school ended.

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