thirteen (m)

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this chapter is a mess but it's a perfect representation of my horny ass in quarantine rn.

and just like that, things were back to normal.

taehyung woke up that morning, turned off his five million alarms, and started to get somewhat ready for his photo shoot at 9 like nothing had happened last night. today was just another boring day in his life that didn't matter in the long run and he would come back from work and bother jimin and hobi hyung unless he had class or something. that is, until he looked into the mirror and saw the red marks decorating his neck.

oh right, that happened.

if taehyung was being honest, although he enjoyed every second of that hot little make out with jungkook, it really came out of nowhere. he couldn't comprehend what came over the younger to make him possessively mark him. he was the one who said that they just wanted to be friends after they kissed the first time, so what the hell is this?

he was just helping you get rid of bogum, that's all. and you both were a bit tipsy from the beer and fun from jimin's party, s'no big deal.

taehyung kept on repeating this to himself while he got ready for a shower. that it was no big deal and that jungkook was just being a good friend by helping him and giving him a semi right outside of his apartment on a sunday night.

these were things that friends did, of course.

he stepped into the shower, desperate to get jungkook and yesterday out of his mind but it was slowly becoming impossible. taehyung found himself constantly thinking about the bunny toothed younger, his actions, what he said, where his hands were, how he was able to make the older practically melt into his touch despite never having gone that far with each other . his head felt hazy with the steamy memories with the steamy shower.

"i don't really like sharing, taehyung".

oh god.

"i'm rather possessive".

adsdakakfkak taehyung don't do this to yourself.

he was so rough with his hands in your back pockets and you liked it, you liked being manhandled by him.

"goddamnit", taehyung muttered under his breath, turning the shower on the colder setting to get rid of growing erection and his horny thoughts. it was kind of helping but really, all he wanted was for jungkook to fix the issue. maybe he'll do the same things he did last night.

he probably doesn't want to go any further, it was just a favor for taehyung. but god he was so single and touch-depraved, it was sad. thinking about a ten second make out was enough to get him hard like a 13 year old boy.

taehyung inhaled deeply and turned off the shower, his dick softening  and yesterdays events slowly leaving his mind. he had to go to work and pose in underwear next to bogum before watching hoseok intimidate bratty little kids with his dance teacher persona.

he can worry about jungkook and their weird relationship later, taehyung has more important things to think about.

taehyung got on set an hour later, punctual as always, and made sure to sit as close as possible to bogum in the pre-placed makeup chair. his body was covered in a silk robe, prominent collarbones peeking out and his hickeys were on full display, just so that bogum could see.

"jesus taehyung , what happened to your neck"? one of the other models asked, sitting on the left of the brunette who saw the marks coming into the dressing room. he smirked as he watched the makeup artist cover them in foundation like she's done multiple times for every model in this room.

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