Day 7

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I am extremely sorry for not updating yesterday. I could not complete the chapter. I am so sorry. I hope you all like this chapter.

Also, Secretadmirer235 took my Quarantine special interview. To read it check her book Three things (Quarantine special.) Thank you!


A week into the lockdown and a pattern started to form. Schedules were not specific and the routine often changed but the things they did daily remained the same. For Maier, it was work, talking to his family, cooking, cleaning and Netflix-ing.  For Xenia it was assignments, helping in the kitchen, talking to her friends, watching a series and working out. The seventh day started with her and her father working out in their living room. She was running in the same spot and her father was lifting weights.

"Look at the time! Is this a time to workout?" Her mother scolded them. Xenia turned her neck to look at the wall clock. It was twenty minutes past one. Making a face she looked at her father. "It is time to eat and you two! You should have done that earlier."

"We woke up late," Her father replied, "So we started late."

"Then start waking up early! Xenia make Rotis!"

Xenia frowned and crossed her arms. Her father winked at her before saying, "she is hungry. Let's get done faster or she will start yelling again."

Smiling they resumed their work. The minute Xenia started working out was the minute she wished it was over. Giving up was her first thought, followed by a catch in the throat. She wished she did not have to work out. Suddenly she was envious of everyone who was better. However, after a successful workout, she felt differently. She felt better, more positive, more hopeful. That was her daily routine. At the start of every work out she always felt helpless, weak and like a victim. But in the end, she felt hopeful, strong and powerful. At the beginning of every struggle, even the smallest, it is negative, your thoughts, your actions, the world. But as you go ahead and as you keep moving, hope increases, you start believing in yourself and you start working harder. And when it ends you are a different person.

"Where is everyone!?" However, others don't change with you. Her mother was still hungry as she wanted to have a family lunch. Her father had told her to eat before them but she was adamant and after an hour was louder than before. Xenia quickly changed her clothes after a shower and ran to the kitchen. She helped set the table and sat down to eat within a few minutes. After lunch, her mother was calmer and softer which helped to reduce the temperature of the whole house.

"Xenia beta, get my glasses please," her mother said taking her phone in her hand. "Also fill the bottle for our neighbour. I saw the bottle in the window I think."


"You should ask him to quarantine himself for some time." Her father suggested. "We can get him whatever he wants. He should stay in or else he can get in trouble. Police are troubling people who have any travel history."

"He came to India two months ago," Xenia said standing up

"Oh. But he came from somewhere else. That is a problem, too."

"He was in hyde park, " she was out of the room when she said that.

"How do you know?" Her father asked.

As she was in another room she could flee from answering that. She quickly took the bottle from his window and filled it. To avoid her parents after keeping the water bottle back she started going dishes. Her parents would forget the topic soon she knew and it was just for a few minutes she had to hide. However, it did not take her more than a minute to wash those three dishes.

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