Day 21

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So I divided the last chapter into two parts. Here is the first one and the second one will be published either later today or tomorrow. Let's see how it flows.

I hope you all enjoy:)

Day 21, It was seven in the morning and Xenia was sleeping in her room. The temperate had risen again and sweating became a norm. However, Xenia was not sweating because of heat. Her eyeballs were moving rapidly, her nose increased in size and her brows were furrowed. Within a few seconds, her eyes opened abruptly. She exhaled the breath she did not know she was holding and closed her eyes. Turning to her left she tried to sleep again. It was a dream that woke her up. Nightmare? She could not tell. She remembered everything the second she opened her eyes and forgot every detail the next second. She closed her eyes again in an attempt to sleep. She was feeling thirsty but wished only to sleep. Thirty minutes later she was still wide awake. By then she had concluded that she would be able to sleep only after she drank some water. Forcing herself up, she walked to the kitchen. She had tried to remember the dream however there was nothing she could recollect. For a moment there was a faint image being created but she could not complete the picture and soon the thin memory disappeared.

"Good morning!"

Startled by the sudden exclamation Xenia took a step backwards and looked up in alarm. She did not wish to see or meet Maier. His abrupt appearance caused irritation and anger, however, she managed to hide it well. Forcing a small smile she said, "good morning. Why are you up so early?"

"I could not sleep the whole night. I am hungry now. I was hungry the whole night actually but as I had nothing much left I had to suppress my hunger. You say. Did you have a good night?"

"I do not know." She closed the fridge after drinking water and walked towards one of the containers. "Saw a bad dream," She said with a shake of her head.

"Oh. What was it about? Was it scary?"

"I can not tell. I remember nothing." She closed the container and walked towards the window. She extended the bag of chips she had pulled out of the container towards Maier and then sat on the kitchen counter.

"Thank you. If you do not remember then why is it bothering you?"

"Dreams in general bother. For the past few years dreams had been causing some trouble. I see all sorts of things a human isn't supposed to see." He chuckled making her smile. "So I guess this is just built-up anger I am experiencing today."

"Okay. Is there anything I can do to help you?" He bent down to pick up the torn piece of plastic, while Xenia kept observing him. She smiled when he looked at her and shook her head in a no. "You look tired. Are you alright?"

She nodded her head. "I am. I could not sleep well and I think I have a slight headache."

"Go and sleep again. Wake up after a few hours."

"That is the plan." She jumped down from the counter. "Do you need anything? Water? For breakfast contact mummy. I can only supply water and unhealthy junk."

He smiled. "I am fine, thank you. You go and sleep. I will see you later."

Giving another nod to her head she headed to her room. Just as she had thought after drinking water she was able to sleep again. However, when she woke up it was late in the morning. She had thought of sleeping for an hour or a little more but without an alarm, she kept sleeping. When her eyes fell on the clock after waking up she bolted out of her bed. That day she missed her workout and went to take a shower immediately after leaving her bed. Within fifteen minutes of waking up, she was out in the living room. She checked the kitchen, her mother was alone and then she checked the spare room which was empty. She then went to the living room and laid on the sofa. The previous night was tough for Xenia. There were various thoughts in her mind creating chaos inside. What was bothering her was what was bothering her. Her feelings puzzled her. She was upset, very upset. She could not comprehend the reason which caused more disturbance. There was nothing else that could occupy her mind, giving her hours to think on the same topic without any fruitful result.


That was the end of her laying down. From her mother's tone, she realised that she was going to help her in the kitchen for the next few hours. The hours passed with a blink of an eye. Before she knew it was two in the afternoon. Her father had a call to attend leaving her some spare time before lunch. She had first decided to lay down and rest, however, her energy level made her move. She walked back and forth in the room, lost in her thoughts. There was not a particular thought in her mind. She jumped from one thought to another. Sometimes she felt angry, sometimes upset and sometimes hungry. Each thought came with a different emotion. Her tail of thoughts was stopped only when her mother entered the room. Their meal was served. For some time her mind was calm but the end of lunch ended the peace. Her mind was running faster than before. She was exhausted by then so when she got a chance to escape she took it.

It was two minutes past four when Maier entered the room and the first thing he noticed was Xenia in her room. She was sitting on a chair and had a book on her lap, a pen in her right and a calculator in her left hand. Frowning he walked to his chair.

"What are you doing? Are you studying? Wait, what is your age? Are you a kid."

"You went too far with kid. Unfortunately, I am not a kid. I am in my twenties. Kid really?"

"What are you doing?

"Someone DM-ed me asking to help them with some sums so I am helping."

"Someone? You mean a stranger?" She nodded her head which made him frown again. "Why would someone dm you like that?"

"I have mentioned once or twice that I love numbers and maths was my favourite subject in school. I have an open account so anyone can see what I post. I guess this person is a follower."

"Your personal account?"

"No, it is a fan page."

He chuckled. "Okay fan. It is still odd for someone to dm you like that."

"You have no idea what people dm me. This has to be a very civil thing as compared to others."

He was quiet for a minute as he observed her and then said, " so you talk to anyone?"

"I don't talk to anyone however I do not like being rude so I do not ignore either."

"These people are complete strangers. You should avoid getting involved."

"I am just helping with studies. There is nothing to worry about."

"You cannot help anyone and everyone. Helping strangers can be tricky."

She looked up and chuckled. "Where was this wisdom twenty-one days ago?"

Maier laughed as he leaned back in his seat. "My case was different. I meant no harm. I was helpless, powerless, weak. I was in no position to hurt."

"This person can be too. I am just helping to solve some sums. I don't entertain uncivil people. Do not worry."

"I am not worrying. Just saying, be careful."

"I will be," she said with a smile. As she resumed her work Maier used his phone to keep him occupied. They were quietly sitting in their respective rooms not disturbing each other however not forgetting their presence too.

"When are you leaving?" Xenia was the first one to speak. "When will you reach?"

"Around eleven. Leaving around eleven and reaching I guess tomorrow afternoon. Late afternoon. It might actually take longer."

"Okay. You must be very excited."

"Excited is a very small word. I am just praying everything falls into the right place."

"It will. When we have a choice why not choose positivity? Think good and good shall happen."

"Amen father."

She laughed as she closed her book. She was done with her work and was looking forward to talking to Maier. However, a call from Maier's father took him to another room. Xenia sat there for a long time alone. She was not hoping nor praying for his return, she was trying to stay in the present, she was trying to live in the present.

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