Hello there, why not read me?

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No okay, not that much entusiasm. 

Anyway, if you are not new here you've probably noticed how bad this books is (hopfully I will turn that 'is' into a 'was' very soon)
And it just made me really, and I mean REALLY, unmotivated to continue. 

So I asked myself, "how can I get over this stupid writer block?"

And I answered, "rewrite the beginning."

So after that enlightening conversation with myself I decided there was only one way to go. 

This whole books is getting rewritten, baby  *wink*

I'm having serious promblems with my attitude right now so just wait a moment. 


Okay, better. 
So as I said before interupting myself, I am going to edit every single chapter of this before doing anything else. 

Okay that's a lie. I will probably sleep too.

Let me stop wasting your time now and I'll see you when this is no longer a bad book. 

The Soul Riders  (old and dusty version)Where stories live. Discover now