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Abigail and David Rossi

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Abigail and David Rossi



      I have found that people either wanted something from you or you from them. There was no such thing as basking in somebody's presence, I lived my life looking at people. I studied them for a living, finding what makes people click was my specialty as arrogant as it sounds I was pretty damn good at it too. I watched as everyone shuffled around with their lives, trying to do something worthwhile before they died. I was trying to do something worthwhile before I died. I had followed in the footsteps of my father to bask in the glory of being exceptional at my job. He had trained me and I had excelled, I had always strived to excel. Babbo said he was proud of me when I was accepted into the Academy and ecstatic when I was sought out by a freelance investigational unit in LA.

     I knew I started my career to try to live up to the glamour of the great David Rossi but it was illogical to think I would surpass his legacy in the FBI, this unit was like another child to him. This team was a family to him, and I could see it on his face every time he greeted each of the agents. I know he was confident in my skills, more than I was but there was this pressure I didn't like. I wasn't a Captian here, I was at the bottom of the barrel again, metaphorically, and I was going to have to climb the latter if I was going to get the recognition from Strauss I desired. There was no time to mess around in the office, that was what I had told myself when I had settled in my temporary office. As I spoke to Hotch, asserting my dominance as subtly as possible, getting on his good side was a step further to get the letter of referral from a unit Cheif and Department head.

      As each team is unique it was different here than it was at Holmes in LA. There I was starry-eyed eager to please as I moved to LA and met my partner. After 6 years of working at Holmes, going undercover to dig through or cover up people's messes. Holmes wasn't all legal, two units took a lot of dirty work for the rich and the government. We had earned this immunity with the US government after having to cover up some of their biggest scandals. We had enough blackmail to make problems simply disappear, dark enough to empty a bottle of wine by yourself. I knew how to walk to the fine line between my natural personality and professional one. You had to find a way to separate work from your personal life, that was one of the few things I was never good at.

      I knew boxing everything up never did anyone any good, psychologically it stretched you emotional balance until the chemicals in your brain became so scrambled there was no one emotion. I had been shoving my feelings in the closet since I was fifteen, it made making logical decisions easier. To separate emotion from action just made it easier to deal with, as unhealthy as it was I knew that after over a decade of solving my hopes, dreams, happiness in the box with my fears, depression, and anger and ignoring them I would explode. I would break down and it would take to long to build myself back up.

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