Mother Gothel

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It's been two hours since we were told to come to the principal's office. Neither of us hasn't said a word since as I can hear the clock ticking on the wall. While I sat there with my hand on my temple thinking about what I did.

Damnit. This isn't how my day was supposed to start and what did I do in school? Kicking my cheater of an ex-boyfriend in the middle of the f*#king hallway.

While sitting in the office, I could feel Marc's gaze lingering towards me, but I didn't bother staring back at him and ignore him cuz I'm so pissed. Soon I heard principal Tremblay sighed and shifts his serious hazel orbs at us.

"I've been working as a principal for many years and this is by far one of my worst but peculiar troubles that I've ever seen. I've always known you as the good girl in school Gloriane, but I didn't expect you to assault a student like that. Could you explain why?" He asked as I glance down feeling awkward about telling him that I kicked him in the balls because he was cheating on me and wants me back. Though I'm hurt that he cheated, I don't wanna push him off the bus and us in trouble so I let out a sigh and explain to him with lies.

"...We have our disagreements, sir." I lied to him. Tremblay creased his brows at me.

"What kind?" He inquired staring at me with a skeptical look. My lips formed a straight line while intertwining my hands together.

"... Marc and I were having a heated debate about cats and dogs," I informed him with a lie, but I can tell the principal isn't buying it but kept his cool the entire time.

"Is that so?" He assumed as Tremblay shifts his hazel eyes to Marc, who flinched and nodded.

"Y-Yes, we were debating about what animal is the cutest for the bet. I love dogs, she likes cats, so we fought, and...that's when she kicked me." He lied as he was playing along with my lies. Tremblay stared at us for a few minutes before leaning against his wheelchair and pushing his glasses up.

"You're saying that the reason why you kicked Steward in the balls was because of some trivial debate?" He asked in disbelief and we both nodded. Tremblay then sighed.

"Very well, Steward. You may now be dismissed." He permitted as he nods and gets up from his seat where he took one last glance at me before leaving. After he left, he spun back to me with a stern look.

Oh god.

I pondered while having a gut feeling about what he's going to say next.

"Gloriane, be honest with me. What's going on between you two?" He asked curiously which caught me off guard as I widened my eyes when he asked. Tremblay curled his brows at me skeptically.

"Well?" He inquired with his tone sounding dead serious as I left out a sigh and sulk my head.

"Fine..." I groaned and fold my arms where I start spilling the beans on everything that happened in the halls just now to the principal.

"So you kicked him in his private area because he was unfaithful to you last night?" He guessed.

"Yes I did, and I know I shouldn't do that, but I have my reasons to be angry," I assured and Tremblay hummed and nod his head.

"Well I understand what you're saying and I appreciate that you're being self-aware of your actions, but that doesn't mean I won't let you off the hook."

"I know, sir," I replied as he folds his arms to his chest.

"It's valid that you have a reason to get into a physical altercation with him, but that's not a smart move." He informed.

"As the school principal, it's my job to make this school a safe and functional environment for the students and teachers alike. I also want to make sure that students like you stay out of trouble." Tremblay explained.

The Reincarnation of Mother Gothel(Twisted Wonderland x OC)[old version]Where stories live. Discover now