Episode 4-17: False Accusations and Deceits!

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"You in the rear, you're falling behind! Lift your umbrellas higher! You in the front, I can't hear your bells! No slacking!" Kalim barks with Glory grimacing at his harsh treatment towards his members with Vivien, Grim, and Rapunzel's gang feeling the same as her. On the other hand, Grim is wheezing out from marching under the heat, but Jamil spun his head to Grim.

"Hang in there. You'll die of dehydration if you stop here."

"Hard pass on that, y'know..." Grim whines, but Cassandra ruffles his head.

"Come on man, let's move." Cassandra assures making him groan.


"This is taking longer than yesterday, move!" Kalim demands with one of the Scarabia students panting heavily.

"Ugh...I can't take another step..." He groans. Soon Jamil spotted something big.

"I can see the oasis. It's almost break time!" Jamil informs and turns to Grim, Vivien, Rapunzel, her husband, and Cassandra.

"It's only a bit further, hang in there everyone!" Jamil reassures as the Scarabia resident spun around with hope in his eyes.

"Vice dorm head....You're working to keep out morale up...!" The Scarabia mutters with hope filled in his eyes which earned him a scoff from Iman and whips his head away with Vivien, Rapunzel, Eugene, and Cassandra grimacing at his claim.

"Morale my ass..." Eugene grumbles.

"Sssh quiet, Eugene!" Rapunzel shushes.

"High morale isn't going to ease my exhaustion, y'know!" Grim complains. Soon Vivien's eyes glow blue as she saw Kalim rebuffing Grim's plea.

"Give you water? You presume to order me around!?"


Then she reverts back to reality and pants from the vision causing Iman and the group to be worried as he marches up to the lake goddess.

"Vivi you ok?" Iman ask with a worried look.

"Psst did you saw something?" Cassandra whispers and she nods as Vivien rises up and flips her hair.

"I'm fine. Let's keep going." Vivien reassures as she struts her way through the desert with Rapunzel and the others walking after her as Jamil stares at her with a skeptical look before he presumes to stroll after the Scarabia students.

On the other hand, Glory turns her head back to Grim and her friends with a worried look.

"Something the matter, Sunflower?" Kalim ask as Glory whips her head back to the hypnotized dorm head who gazes her with a curious look before she forced a smile at him.

"Noting, Kalim. Just excited about arriving at the oasis that's all." Glory told him with Kalim nods and lays a hand on her back.

"Don't worry, love. We'll get there in a minute." Kalim reassures as he plants a kiss on her cheek making her flustered before she nods.

"Right." Glory replies while flushed red and fans herself.

Calm yourself, Glo. You can do this.

Glory thought.

Elsewhere at Avalon, Merlin was watching the scene unfolding him from his crystal ball to see sundrop being attached by the hypnotized Kalim. He soon clicks his tongue and shakes his head at the unfortunate scene.

"My my, some pickle you got yourself into my sundrop." Merlin mutters as he lets out a sigh.

"Why am I not surprised that Crowley would neglect his responsibilities?..." Merlin mumbles as he whips his head to the grave of Arthur next to him.

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