Episode 3-10: An Octopus's Twisted Desire

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While walking through the halls, Jack was sticking Glory by her side like his guardian throughout their stroll due to the fact the twins are standing beside her. Glory on the other hand, kept her eye glued to the halls while trying to ignore the Leech twins' presence. However, one of them spoke up.

"Ne ne Lionfish tell me something interesting!" Floyd exclaims, surprising Glory a bit, but still keeping her toes up high.

"Like what?" Glory asked skeptically while weirded out by his eccentricity. Floyd tilts his head to the left.

"Hmmm maybe we could talk about that heart shaped tattoo that you have on your back." Floyd insists slightly flinching Glory and Jack senses her fear despite not knowing about the tattoo was actually a symbolism from her ex boyfriend.

"Oi! Don't asked her that!!" He growls.

"Eeh?~ You know about her tattoo too urchin?" He asked making his blood boiled when called a sea urchin again.

"I'm a wolf by the way, and no I don't but I can tell she's uncomfortable when you ask about her tattoo!" Jack snarled glaring at him harshly.

"He's right Floyd. You shouldn't ask someone so personally." Jade chimed.

"But I wanna know!" Floyd whined with a pout.

"Floyd." Jade reminded him causing Floyd to puff his cheeks and huffed. Afterwards, Jade turned to Glory with a smile.

"If you feel uncomfortable answering than there's no need for you to pressure yourself, Angelfish." He reassured and Glory smiles a bit.

"Thank you, Jade." Glory thanked him with a sheepish smile while stroking her left wrist. Jade reads her movements where he can tell she's still tense from what Floyd asked about the tattoo. Jade puts his hands to his chin thinking about the tattoo on her back.

That tattoo must have some meaning into it. Perhaps it has something to do with her former lover of hers? Nevertheless, I don't want her to make her uncomfortable. For now, I'll change the subject and do a little joke to cheer her up. I don't want to put her in a bad mood during the meeting.

Jade thought as he forms a smile at Glory.

"So tell me about yourself Angelfish, what inspire you to sing?" Jade ask curiously. Glory stares at him with a blink before tilting her head slightly to the right.

"Honestly, I'm not always this confident with my singing." Glory admits.

"Oh?" Jade tilted his head with a puzzled look and she bobs her head subtly while smiling softly.

"Yeah. I was a shy and quiet girl when I was little. I sang at home, but when I'm in public, I don't express myself and never show my love for singing because I'm that timid." Glory informs as Jade watches Glory putting her hands behind her back while smiling sheepishly.

"My family and my two best friends Zara and Harriet kept telling me that I'm a good singer and I should participate in a talent show. I thought about it for a few days until I decided to participate. My best friends and family were supportive of me during my time where I would practice songs and rehearsals until the day it was time for me to perform for the first time. I was nervous but Zara and Harriet were supportive of me and I was ready until that got ruined...."

"What happened?" Jack ask curiously looking like he's not invested but deep down he is. Glory grips hand on her left wrist grimacing at the spider incident back in elementary school.

"A few kids from backstage pulled a nasty prank on me onstage. They place a tarantula crawled to the stage while I was performing until the tarantula caught me off guard and I panicked. I humiliated myself in front of the whole audience while Zara and Harriet were beating up the kids that pulled a prank on me." Glory explains.

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