Episode 1-22: The Queen's Fury Temper

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As the battle begins, things have immediately gone to a rocky start when Riddle made the first move.

"OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!" Riddle chants as two collars are chained to their necks once again.

"Ugh...shit! We didn't even have time to get out our magic materialized!" Ace hisses.

"To come this far and not be able to do a thing...." Deuce grumbles while in pain. Glory widens her eyes with a stunned look.

"T-That was quick!" Glory shrieks.

"Oh my, this won't end so well..." Merlin mumbles while shaking his head.

"Strong magic comes from a strong imagination. The stronger your ability to accurately imagine magic the stronger and more effective it will be. Mr. Rosehearts has polished his magic to a beautiful shine." Crowley explains.

"Ffgnaa...The level gap is too wide." Grim whimpers while hiding behind Glory's leg.

"Huh. It didn't even take 5 seconds and you thought to challenge me with those skills. Aren't you embarrassed?" Riddle taunts.

"That's just proves that rule violates are always wrong, just as mother said." He proclaims. Glory had enough of his crap and without thinking, Glory opens her mouth and yells at him.

"YOU MAY HOLD VALUES OF FOLLOWING THE RULES, BUT PUTTING UP STUPID RULES LIKE THIS DOES NOT MAKE YOU A GOOD DORM LEADER!" Glory bellows shocking Merlin, Crowley, Grim, Trey, Cater, and the whole Heartslabyul student body gasps at her brazen response. Riddle glance at her with a glare.

"What?" He utters while gazing at her.

"Guuh...She's right, rules should be followed. But enforcing absurd rules just makes you a tyrant!" Deuce shouts causing Riddle to turn his head with a smug.

"Ha? Rule breaking has consequences. And, in this dorm, I am the rules." Riddle boastfully proclaims.

"Those who refuse to obey don't get to complain when I take off their head!" He exclaims, but Glory doesn't buy his schtick.

"Oh give me a break!" Glory scoffs as she marches over to Deuce and Ace.

"Gah! Glory!"

"Sundrop hold it!"

Merlin and Grim call her out, but she ignored their pleas and stood between her two friends and the strict dorm leader.

"Don't give me that sh#t-eating Queen of Hearts crap, but what you're doing is bullsh#t!" She bellows as she threw her arm and extend it to him pointing at Riddle.

"You don't get to do whatever you want just because 'it's the rules'! You're no Queen, you're no dorm leader, and everyone else in this entire dorm is not wrong! You're wrong! Always wrong!" Glory roars.

"What is wrong is all for me to decide!" Riddle snaps back.

"If you can't even follow a simple rule, just what was your education like? You just a reincarnation of that deceptive old hag from Corona and probably were born with parents who are just as ugly as that crone. Matter of fact, I bet you look quite hideous underneath that makeup of yours and only uses it to hide the fact that you're just as ugly as her." He taunts her. This made her entire face completely red and clench her fists when he insults not only her looks, but her parents as well.

"Why you!-" Deuce shouts.

"Grrr!" Ace growls and was about to punch him, but Glory beat him to it.

"YOU SHUT THE F#CK UP!!!" Glory screeches as she stomps her way towards him and punch Riddle across the face shocking not only Deuce and Ace, but everyone in this dorm.

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