Prologue 10: The Snitch

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Jesus I don't know how to describe my day so far. Hell, I don't know what's worst? Being stuck in magical dimension or forcing to be working with that rude dumbass that called me a 'loser' a minute ago in the cafeteria.

Got all the supplies for the cafeteria, I began cleaning. Grim flopped down at a nearby window sill, his little body shaking in pain. My arms were also fatigued from all that sweeping to the point where I didn't even have time to research what I wanted or finding out who the culprit is behind this note and dagger that I found last night! Ugh maybe another day....

"I'm already beat from cleaning all day, now we have to wash a hundred windows too..." He groaned.

"What choice do we have Grim? This what happens when you ignore my warning. And if you're over it then just get it done." I retorted with grim rolling his eyes and lay flat on the window sill. Once I'm done with the first panel, I moved onto the next panel.

"That Ace guy is sure taking his sweet time. Who does he think he is, making me wait? Now I'm pissed!" Grim ranted and I sighed through my nose.

He better show up....

Then I clench my right fist with my eyes flaring in rage.

...or it's the kick to the balls this time!

I pondered with an intimidating glare. Meanwhile an hour later has past where so far I had clean four windows, but no sign of Ace.

Two hours has passed and I've already clean ten, but I feel my patience is on the brink of draining. Where the hell is Ace?!

All the windows in the cafeteria are finished. I sighed in relief where I flop to the seat, but I glance at the half clean windows. There's still more to conquer.

I haven't worked this hard since the whole preparation for prom from high school. *sighs* those were the good ol days till Marc f#@ked it up.

I thought while looking back at the good ol days where me, my friends were being fun loving goofballs and my loving moments with a Marc before our breakup. However, I can't ignore the back of my head. What the hell was he doing this whole time?!

Soon I heard Grim grumble and screaming out of impatience.

"Grrrrrrr I don't care what happened! This is too late!" Grim shouted.

"Wait...he wouldn't just skip out, right?!"

I halted and instantly dropped the rag to the floor.

Oh did not ju-! He's SO F#*KING DEAD!

I thought as I turned to Grim with a dead serious scowl.

"Let's hunt him down!" I seethed. I stomped my way out of the cafeteria with my grey eyes filled with fury along with Grim following me.

"I'm not gonna let him get away with putting all the punishment on us! Let's go, henchman! We're gonna catch Ace and make him do all the window washing." Grim kept to his feet where I smirked and nodded. I kneel down so he could climb into my arms before we took off searching for that snitching bastard.
As soon as we found the first classroom, I kicked the door with my flat heel.

"ACE YOU DAMN SNITCH! YOU'RE NOT GONNA AWAAAAA-! He's not here." I said looking disappointed. Damn I was looking forward to beat his ass.

"No, I'm here." An old voice chimed and perk up to spun to see a bearded elderly man staring at us as I heard Grim screaming.

"The picture talked!" He ducked behind my leg and I glance at the picture on the wall.

"What now? It's not uncommon for paintings to talk at school." He assured.

"So this school has paintings that can talk? Interesting." I grinned intriguingly.

"Could you be any weird?!" Grim shouted at me like I'm crazy, but I'm not. I mean come on, everybody has seem talking portraits before. Just take Harry Potter for example.

"Why yes indeed young lady. The wall lady over there, the wall gentleman over here, everyone can speak! Portraits can speak because they have a mouth. That's normal, you know?"

"Touché." I agreed nodding with my arms crossed.

"See? Who doesn't agree with me?" He asked.

"But...don't some paintings in this world not speak?" I questioned.

"Your 'normal' and my 'normal' differ in regards to our quirks. Isn't that true? Also haven't I seen you before? You kinda remind me of that crone." He assumed. I sighed when he asked.

"I assume you thought of me as Gothel right? Cuz let me tell you. I may look like her and dressed like her, but I can assure you I'm quite different." I reassured.

"Yes, yes, I can clearly tell by your tone and behavior. You seem to be a strange but polite woman and I like that. That aside, who are you looking for?" He asked.

"A guy named Ace. He's got a heart mark on his face and hair that sticks out." Grim described.

"Ah, I know him. He's one of the freshman that started today. He went back to his dorm not too long ago." The painting answered.

"Of F#*king COURSE HE WOULD!" I cursed with rage coming out of my tone.

"What?! So he DID try to get away! Which way did he go?!" Grim demanded.

"The entrance is behind the East Building." He replied.

"Thank you for your time, were going after him!" I quickly said thanks before we rushed back out so we could beat his snitching ass.

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