Episode 4-18: The Confrontation Between The Sundrop & The Viper

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Heya guys before we get to the next chapter of The Reincarnation of Mother Gothel, I would like to show you what Iman actually looks and a fan by the name of ViaDavis742 requested me to draw a picture of Iman, so Via here's for you.

Heya guys before we get to the next chapter of The Reincarnation of Mother Gothel, I would like to show you what Iman actually looks and a fan by the name of ViaDavis742 requested me to draw a picture of Iman, so Via here's for you

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I hope you enjoy the drawing of Iman and let's move on to the next chapter!


Meanwhile at the graveyard of Avalon, Merlin gently caresses the gravestone of his late friend as he lets out a sigh.

"Let's been awhile that I've seen you since your funeral. I remembered that day....Vivien wouldn't stop crying. Oh that poor lake goddess. Then again, all of us were close during our youth..." Merlin mutters as he crept his hand to the surface of his name while smiling fondly at their youthful days together before Guinevere's affair with one of Arthur's bravest and most loyal knights, Lancelot, and the prominent battle between him and the treacherous warlock, Mordred. Soon Merlin let's out a sigh.

"Aah I remembered those days...I do really missed you, Artie and so did Vivi." Merlin sighs while caressing the gravestone reminiscing the good times they'd shared from their youth to their adulthood. Then he spun back and taps his staff to the ground twice where a cloud poofs before him and hops to the cloud as whips his head one last time.

"It was nice seeing you Artie, but sadly I must depart. I hope the heavens are treating you well." Merlin said with a warm smile as he floats away from his grave. As he floats through the cemetery, Merlin lets out a soft hum.

"Hmmm...I wonder how Sundrop and the others are doing?" He mumbles as he pulls out his crystal ball from his suitcase and wipes the glass with his hand where an image of Glory, Grim, and the Rapunzel gang are enduring intense training at the Scarabia courtyard with the Scarabia residents while being watched by the hypnotized Kalim.

Upon seeing the unfortunate scene, Merlin shook his head and tsks at the misfortune upon Glory and her friends.

"My my, seems like sundrop and her companions are placed in a difficult positions. Mmm...." Merlin hums and puts the crystal ball away in his suitcase as tucks hood with white orbs gleaming in determination.

"Time for me to get back on action...ONWARD TO THE LAKE!" Merlin declares as he floats his way out of the cemetery with a plan in his mind.


Back in the Scarabia Lounge while everyone is training at the courtyard, Jamil was pacing back and forth with a cunning grin plastered on his face.

"My strategy is going exactly as plan. I finally have these fools wrapped around my finger!" Jamil cheers. Elsewhere, Glory was wandering around the halls searching for the vice dorm until...

"This plan will be flawless!" Jamil marvels with Glory hearing his rambles in the lounge, the ravenette peers her head to see the vice dorm spouting about his plans with glee. She then curls her brows and leans her body against the doorway with her arms fold.

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