Prologue 15: The Realization

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"My, my, what roller coaster event this day is..." I muttered while sitting on my desk in the infirmary room watching Gloriane and her comrades transported back to Night Raven College.

However, I shrug and got up from my chair where I caress my white beard and adjust my hood. Then I formed a calm grin.

"Nevertheless, I'm glad that she and the others are alright. In fact, I think it's time to meet with my potential student in Crowley's office. Oh, oh, oh." I chuckled as I teleported out from the infirmary to meet with my new student.

Once we all arrived back to Night Raven College, we all head straight to Crowley's office but none of us didn't expect this reaction.

"Eh?! You really went to the Dwarf's Mine to search for the magic stone?!" Crowley asked dumbfounded.

"Huh?!" The three gasped.

"Say what?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well, I mean, I didn't really that you'd be going. Plus, I didn't really expect you to find and take back a magic stone. So I've already started writing a form about expelling." He explained and for that made me pissed.

"Wait, so you're basically telling me that we went all the trouble to get this damn crystal for nothing?!" I ranted while scowling at him.

"Nngah! What a guy, ya know! Even though we were fighting an unbelievable beast, meanwhile!" Grim bellowed.


"A monster appeared. Really, it was mad and it was strong and it was difficult for us! Luckily for us, Glor here was able to defeat that ugly thing!" Ace shouted causing the headmaster to widen his eyes and turns to me.

"...You defeated a monster?" He asked looking stunned. I glance at the ground before staring back at him and nod. He then puts his hand on his chin.

"Can you tell me more about that descriptively?" Crowley requested as me, Grim, and the boys told the whole story in complete detail including the tattoo on my left hand, the note, and the dagger.

"Ohh. A monster that happened to reside at the coal mine and you're telling me that the four of you worked together to defeat it and got the magic stone, which then you brought back to the school?" He assumed. Both men looked awkward as Ace scratches his head and Deuce looked away awkwardly.

"I mean...not like working together but..."

"It's like our goals were coincidentally the same..." Deuce added and what we didn't expect is this:

"Oh...ohh....Ohhh...!!!! Ooooohhhh!!!!"

"Eh?! Crowley? What's wrong?!" I asked while looking panicked.

"What the heck! A mature adult started crying, ya know!" Grim shrilled.

"Within the early decades since I've become a principal. For the day when the students of the Night Raven College would go hand in hand to go against an enemy and win the battle would come!" He cried causing all of us to be shocked.

"Hah?! I did not hold this guy's hands!" Deuce denied.

"I don't wanna either, it's disgusting! How old even are you, principal?!" Ace asked.

"I am currently very touched! I have concluded from this time's happenings, but you. YOU, Gloriane Corbett, actually tamed a beast with this power?" He asked curiously pointing my left hand that is glowing.


"May I have permission to examine it?" He requested.

"You may." I replied as I extend my left hand and showed him the tattoo. Crowley grab my hand and analyzed it with a "hmm" sound. He then glance up at Deuce.

"Deuce, you said you found something shocking on that note correct? May I see it?" He asked curiously.

"S-Sure, it's right here." He said as he gives the note to Crowley. Once Crowley open the note, he reads the letter until I saw his eyes wide open.

"Oh my god...." He uttered as he dropped the letter to the desk making me confused.


"Hah? What-"

"Ace...I think I recognized those words from the letter before. It's an incantation spell.." He stated.

"Incanta- what now?" Grim tilt his head confused.

"Wait, what's going on?" I asked looking so lost right now as I turn my head to Crowley who is literally shaking.

" have a dagger with you right?...May I see it?" He asked with stunned look.

"H-Here..." I replied looking weirded out by their reactions.

Seriously what is going on here?! Why's everyone freaking out like that?!

I thought while panicking where I watched Crowley examining the dagger he let out a scream and dropped the dagger.


"Gah!" The three freaked out.

"Crowley what's going on here?! What's wrong?!" I asked once again while freaking out just like the boys and Grim are. Soon I watched Crowley shaking in fear.

"I...I finally get it now!" He yelled causing us to be shocked and baffled by his words.

"What?! What do you mean Crowley?!" I asked with a puzzled look.

"Yeah principal, where are you going with this?!" Ace yelled looking so confused as I am right now as we watched him smacking both of his cheeks.

"The looks, the note, the chant, the dagger, the tattoo on your left hand! It's all starting to come together NOW!!!!!" He yelled.

"Huh?!" We all shouted in confusion as Crowley raised his head up and walked over his desk where he puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Gloriane, you're not just a beast tamer. YOU, are the reincarnation of Mother Gothel!" He announced.

"Eh?! The Reincarnation of Mother Gothel?!" I shrilled looking dumbfounded where this night gets really unexpected.

Hey guys thanks for reading the new chapter and I apologize for the inconvenience from the last chapter. This time i didn't read it off from the book, I watched it from the video on YouTube and then I used my own mind to make up my writing. I hope this chapter will make up the errors I made last time. Let me know what you think of the writing this time. Thank you and I'll see you guys in the next chapter bye.

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