
154 12 4

It's been more then a month since I've known you're dead,

and it isn't any easier then in the beginning

I have a hole in my heart,

exactly where you should be,

but you're not here anymore,

you're nowhere

All your thoughts,



they died with you,

now there is nothing left of you,

just our memories,

but that doesn't mean you still exist,

you are emptiness,


and that rips me even more,

cause I love you

and I want you to be happy,

but how could you be now you're dead?


It kills me every day

I can't stand you

I can't stand this,

I can't take it anymore,

It's killing me,

slowly but steadily,

I won't last much longer,

how to continue when all your reasons are gone?

I have no one left to live for,

My parents dead,

now you,

I'm all alone

lost in my own sufferance

The pain, you have no clue how much it hurts

I just...

I just...

can't take this

I want the pain to stop,

I need it to stop

to be over with

I want to go,

to disappear,

to cease to exist

to go away,

To be no more




(song on the side: breathe me, by Sia)

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